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How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: December 24, 2005 07:40PM
The modem went out after an electrical outage. I wonder if the modem itself is fried.How hard is it to replace? What are the chances a new or pulled modem will fix the problem?
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Re: How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: rgG
Date: December 24, 2005 07:46PM
Would you want to use an external usb modem?

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: mstudio
Date: December 24, 2005 09:40PM
I've done it, not hard but time consuming. If you take your time, it's no big. If you are not comfortable taking things apart and keeping track of all the screws (about 12 or 14), don't do it. The external solution might be a good one. I bought my replacement via LEM and it worked great. I think I paid $5 at the time. Hope this helps.
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Re: How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: December 24, 2005 11:35PM
it' not fun, you have to remove the logic board since the modem is on the underside of it. This would include removing the bottom of the iMac, the metal shield, disconnecting the hard/optical drives, removing about 10 screws, removing the logic board, then flipping it over, removing another screw or two, pulling off the modem, then struggling for aminute to get the new one to line up, then reverse the whole process and hope it wasn't a software issue...
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Re: How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: December 25, 2005 11:20AM
Too hard. I had a USB modem but it got fried, also. I've had several modems that quit because of power outages. I wonder if something happens that can be fixed that I don't know how to fix..
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Re: How hard to replace modem in iMac G3 400 DV?
Posted by: chas_m
Date: December 25, 2005 01:42PM
Too hard. Find an external that works with Macs (Apple sells one for $50, but it's Tiger only I think).

Or maybe this is a Sign From Above that you need highspeed. Yeah, that's it.
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