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I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: stephen
Date: December 21, 2010 11:04AM
I spent a quarter of my holiday bonus buying gifts for my department's employees. I used to give them little trinkets, but I got carried away this time.

Last year I got my brother/sister in law and parents iMacs. They clearly didn't have the funds to do anything that large in return but I was happy to do it.

I swore this year I wasn't going to go as far, but now I've bought iPads for both. I think I'm frustrated at my own lack of self-control.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: December 21, 2010 11:08AM
You have always been just like a brother to me Stephen ....

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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: silvarios
Date: December 21, 2010 11:14AM
Yeah, same here. I've always said, "If there was one forum member I would donate an organ to, no questions asked, even if it resulted in my death, it would be Stephen." Man, I was just saying that to myself. No, really.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: karsen
Date: December 21, 2010 11:16AM
Dad? Dad, is that you?

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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: edgarbc1
Date: December 21, 2010 11:24AM
You have always been just like a brother to me Stephen ....

thumbsup smiley
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: December 21, 2010 11:26AM
Just to be clear, I didn't say that you are just like a brother because I want an iPad. It's just that it's a little lonely
during the holidays when like me, you don't have any siblings. Oh sure - I have a bunch of sisters ... but not "real siblings"
like ... well like a brother! (and brother-in-laws don't count ... except the one that brings beer over when we sail his boat)
So I'm just saying that you are fortunate to have a brother, because my mom and dad never got me one.

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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: DaviDC.
Date: December 21, 2010 11:47AM
Shall we meet at Starbucks in Southside for a gift swap?
I got you shelled pecans.

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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: kap
Date: December 21, 2010 11:55AM
I am your sole long lost identical twin brother that our father never told you!!!

SoCal for now.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: billb
Date: December 21, 2010 12:02PM
WD-40 and then rinse with dawn to remove the lipstick stains on your butt.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: blooz
Date: December 21, 2010 12:08PM
i can help you with that self-control issue.
The first thing is to get all of this destructive urge out of your system now so we can begin fresh.
If you sent me an iPad, that would be a good first step.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Western Massachusetts
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: blooz
Date: December 21, 2010 12:08PM
Just to be clear, I didn't say that you are just like a brother because I want an iPad. It's just that it's a little lonely
during the holidays when like me, you don't have any siblings. Oh sure - I have a bunch of sisters ... but not "real siblings"
like ... well like a brother! (and brother-in-laws don't count ... except the one that brings beer over when we sail his boat)
So I'm just saying that you are fortunate to have a brother, because my mom and dad never got me one.


And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Western Massachusetts
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Psurfer
Date: December 21, 2010 12:12PM
Tis better to give than to rcv.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Racer X
Date: December 21, 2010 12:19PM
Tis better to give than to rcv.

I tried that line on my ex-wife. My GF is far more giving........ wink smiley
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: trisho.
Date: December 21, 2010 12:23PM
Well, why do you think you overspent? I tend to have a similar problem with self-control and gifts but it's usually in the time spent department as well. Like, I'm making part of my gift packages for people. I know, almost a waste of time, but still.

So, what made you blow your budget?

Official Card-Carrying Mother Earthin' Sl*t.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: lazydays
Date: December 21, 2010 01:36PM
I used to purchase gifts for every single person at the company I worked for. Year after year. Not big expensive things, just small and fun items. Forty people. I received a few thank you's.

I suspect the people you are giving imac's too are a bit more appreciative. Enjoy your holiday spirit and don't regret blessing your loved one's.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: December 21, 2010 03:17PM
Don't listen to these guys... You KNOW I'm the only one around here that would take a bullet for you, right?

winking smiley

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Racer X
Date: December 21, 2010 03:42PM
you'd take it, and then reload it.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: kap
Date: December 21, 2010 04:16PM
LOL ... Racer X

SoCal for now.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: December 21, 2010 04:37PM
Racer X
you'd take it, and then reload it.

Darn right :-)
take a bullet, and live... and reload it.
There be powerful mojo in that round. Powerful mojo..

winking smiley

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Numo
Date: December 21, 2010 07:46PM
At this time of year it's like walking in a minefield to say so, but IMO, generous gifts sometimes create an unwelcome sense of obligation on the part of the recipients. Paradoxically, the smallest gifts can be the most meaningful. I've been on both ends of this phenomenon.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: kap
Date: December 21, 2010 07:51PM
At this time of year it's like walking in a minefield to say so, but IMO, generous gifts sometimes create an unwelcome sense of obligation on the part of the recipients. Paradoxically, the smallest gifts can be the most meaningful. I've been on both ends of this phenomenon.

I have been avoiding that "obligatory reciprocation" by letting my friends and co-workers to simply share edible things, i.e. store bought or home baked, IF they feel the need to gift. It has worked all these years smiling smiley

SoCal for now.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: stephen
Date: December 21, 2010 09:09PM
Ammo, your point is a good one. My gifts to my employees began as trinkets (in addition to the nice bonus they get from OUR boss) but lack of time (and recipient list creep) has turned it into a larger, more expensive endeavor. Now I'm giving to half the company - and leaving half out.
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Re: I got carried away, bought too many presents
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: December 21, 2010 09:11PM
So you've got a "Naughty Employee" and a "Nice Employee" list on the bulletin board all year, right? :-)

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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