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Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: beagledave
Date: March 24, 2011 11:39AM

On the grounds of the Alcoa plant in my neck of the woods, there are two eagles tending some eggs in a nest. They are expected to hatch any day now.
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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: March 24, 2011 11:40AM
Very cool Dave - thanks for posting!

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: LyleH
Date: March 24, 2011 11:49AM
And the KGW RaptorCam is again on for the red-tailed hawk who has 4 eggs this year. Nice closeup as the nest is high up in a downtown Portland, OR building. There will be a fairly loud 15-second commercial before you can see the hawk on her nest. [] LyleH
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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: lost in space
Date: March 24, 2011 12:01PM
Way cool.

We've seen a resurgence of the bald eagle population around here, E Washington. Yesterday as I was leaving work on a rural highway, I saw a bald eagle on the ground for the first time, about 50 ft. from the road. I pulled over to watch; several cars pulled over behind me. The road was above the field, so I was looking down on it, much different than looking up at one in a tree. This one looked buff, with the intense gaze that you see in nature posters. It was bigger than I expected. The bird seemed so unconcerned that I was afraid it was sick or injured. It stared at us for a minute or so, then started to walk away. I'd never seen an eagle walk. This one waddled slowly, furthering my fears that it wasn't well. Then it leapt up, flapped its wings a few times to get airborne, and leisurely flew away. We humans in the cars were all grinning at each other and waving as we drove off. It was a pretty special diversion for a usually dull commute home.
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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: rz
Date: March 24, 2011 12:30PM
My wife spent days looking at a similar web cam of some eagles at a state forrest in WVa. Within days of being hatched, all 3 were dead. One actually never hatched. Apparently a competing female was trying to steal the nest. Very sad.
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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: michaeld50
Date: March 24, 2011 04:38PM
...and there is the nest in Philly:


They have three eggs now!

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Re: Eagles hatching any day now on web cam.
Posted by: pinion
Date: March 25, 2011 07:25AM
We don't have Eagles here in Indy but we have some Falcons that I've been enjoying watching at our monument downtown. There's at least 2 eggs. Haven't seen her get up today so I'm not sure if there's more: []
If you look out the window in the picture the tall white thing is the Soldier and Sailor's Monument at the circle in the middle of Indianapolis. []

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