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Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: June 08, 2006 03:13PM

A bootable 1GB FW drive w/OSX, Techtool and extra space.


Expensive? Yes, over $200. Cool, though.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2006 03:13PM by jimbrady.
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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: June 08, 2006 03:17PM
Its been out for a while. Way to expensive to be worthwhile.

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: June 08, 2006 03:32PM
OSX and Techtool are pretty expensive without the slick gadget, FWIW.

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: Buzz
Date: June 08, 2006 03:39PM
$10 Lexar firewire CF reader + $60 2GB CF card and you can roll your own (twice the capacity) for way [over 2/3] le$$... still very portable, just not quite as sexy, plus it doesn't obstruct adjacent ports like the more expensive, though sexier, cool TT model potentially can.

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: June 08, 2006 03:45PM
> you can roll your own

Is that code for stealing software?

I'm just answering these in a sorta (inverse) devil's advocate way since I posted it.

EDIT: and if you're troubleshooting, you'll probably unplug your other FW devices.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2006 04:13PM by jimbrady.
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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: Silencio
Date: June 08, 2006 04:38PM
Buzz, I was thinking about doing that myself, but I was wondering whether such a rig would actually be bootable or not. Such a setup would be really nice for me, because making bootable repair CDs is tedious and they run very slowly.

Also would love to see where that newer Lexar FW CF reader is going for $10. I've seen it for $40-50, usually. It sounds a lot better than their original model from a few years ago, which was kind of a piece of junk.

It's not code for stealing software: if you own DiskWarrior or other utilities, you're more than entitled to install them on such a contraption, barring any restrictions in the EULA.
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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: Racer X
Date: June 08, 2006 08:25PM
The old purple Lexars were the iffy ones, right? The newer black ones are OK?
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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: Buzz
Date: June 09, 2006 01:59AM
jimb- as Silencio says, not advocating piracy, merely convenience for legally owned sw. boots just fine, have a couple of Barney purples [Racer] that work fine that I scored for $9 each, and a newer blackish one that was $20-something AR that is basically permanently attached to my kid's emac, while the Barneys reside peacefully in my wheeled and non-wheeled travel bags respectively... the trick is to remember to pack the CF card before leaving home...

*disclaimer- the Barneys have worked fine on our Pismo, 2 iBooks, QS & MDD duallies, my kid's old G3 imac, and a few client machines of non-specific recollection, w/ a couple of machines requiring a restart w/ adapter pre-plugged in to work properly, hot-swapping not always fully supported, but neither Barney, nor any attempted machine has failed. one [G3/900] iBook was a bit temperamental in Hawaii [Maui] a while back when switching between X and 9 and trying to hot swap the Barney in there somewhere [made me late to meet the wife & kid down by the pool], but it did work with a little patience. this is personal experience only, no further extensive testing done, YMMV.

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: June 09, 2006 09:41AM
I think the OSX license would be $129 if you wanted to have the roll-yer-own be legal. The utilities, prob'ly kosher to install where you want for single user convenience (tho' I thought I remember some fine print w/Diskwarrior that said single-MACHINE).

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: Buzz
Date: June 09, 2006 02:45PM
jimb- nobody is suggesting using a home brew to install an unlicensed copy of OSX onto another machine, only to use it to aid in repairing an ill-working machine that should have its own licensed copy of whatever OS it is trying to run...

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: Cool Techtool Firewire thing
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: June 09, 2006 03:17PM
I would never accuse anyone of anything. But OSX must be installed on the thumb-drive for it to be bootable. That's an installation, according to the letter of the law.

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