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Killed iPod...any hope?
Posted by: davester
Date: December 28, 2005 09:46PM
I doubt it.

I have an old gen 2 iPod. The headphone jack came adrift from the motherboard (a common problem). Other than that it seemed to be working fine. So, I took it apart and carefully (I thought) soldered the jack back to the pads on the motherboard. It was a delicate operation, with the need to solder about 8 small pads. I thought the operation had gone well, but now the patient shows no vital signs. It won't turn on at all, though the face of the iPod gets warm when I plug it into the charger. I'm guessing that I've killed it unless I hear other suggestions here. Oh well, at least it is worth a 10% discount at apple against a new one.
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Re: Killed iPod...any hope?
Anonymous User
Date: December 28, 2005 11:17PM
use desolding braid to remove what you did and check to see if it works. Maybe you shorted something in the process of your operation.

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Re: Killed iPod...any hope?
Posted by: ADent
Date: December 29, 2005 12:45AM
Look for somebody that replaces drives and batteries - preferably local.

They should be able to whip a soldering iron.
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Re: Killed iPod...any hope?
Posted by: New.Dad
Date: December 29, 2005 11:15AM
too late now, but you could have done NOTHING and kept it as an external portable hard drive rather than get now 10% off a new iPod. What is that, $30 discount? I don't think you can get a bootable firewire hard drive for that price
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Re: Killed iPod...any hope?
Posted by: davester
Date: December 29, 2005 01:53PM
New.Dad Wrote:
> too late now, but you could have done NOTHING and
> kept it as an external portable hard drive

If only I had the ability to predict the future I could have made a lot of decisions that would have netted me big gains!

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