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Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: Microman
Date: June 15, 2006 09:45AM
I don't get it with DVD writing.
I don't get it with CDRW writing
Most of the time lately I get this with CD's

The drive reported an error:
Sense Code = 0x72, 0x03

Getting to think I need to replace the burner.
Its a Pioneer DVR 105 with firmware 1.00.

Not sure if a firmware upgrade is available
Not sure if its my settings in TOAST
I have tried different media, seems to be hit and miss.
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: MacMagus
Date: June 15, 2006 10:02AM
Try media certified for a lower speed.

The 105 burns CD's at 16x. Most CD-R discs you'll find today are designed for burning at 52x.

High-speed media is not designed for such slow-burning.
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: d0e
Date: June 15, 2006 10:19AM
i just started getting that error on my tower not so long after the last update.
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: Microman
Date: June 15, 2006 12:03PM
Did a search, and found others having same problem. One guy said everything worked even burning the cd from FINDER, except burning cd from Toast.

SOmeone suggested it was a bad drive, but then why would it only not work with TOAST and CD's.

I tried to burn cd from the finder, and it worked.

I think it is a problem with Toast, not doing the leadin at the beginning.

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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: incognegro
Date: June 15, 2006 12:12PM
update your firmware?
detailed steps here:
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: PeterW
Date: June 15, 2006 01:12PM
How about updating Toast?
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: incognegro
Date: June 15, 2006 01:20PM
yes, what version of Toast are you using? there are free updates... or free firmware updates. smiling smiley
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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: Microman
Date: June 15, 2006 02:58PM
Using Toast 7.02. WIll look at link above for updating Firmware.

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Re: Why do I get this write error in Toast with CD's
Posted by: Microman
Date: June 15, 2006 03:25PM
Been to a couple of sites, and been reading.

I dont have an OEM 105, I think I added it later, to this G4/400.

Looking for the DVRFlash program to use on the Mac.

ANd then the firmware. THere are lots of places that discuss, not many with a step by step.

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