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Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: wowzer
Date: July 28, 2011 09:28PM
Clingman's Dome is the highest point in the Smokies at 6,643 feet:

This was 20 shot pano stitched together from Clingman's dome (you may have to open the image in a new tab if you are using Safari to see ALL of it).

A pano showing Mount Le Conte and some of the buildings in the town of Gatlinburg (if I'm not mistaken):

Not sure if this was a no-no, but this group was just passing by and I've done a bit of practice on taking photos from the hip...

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: haikuman
Date: July 28, 2011 09:39PM

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"
Steve Jobs

"There are only two mantras yum and yuk mine is yum "
Bernard Mickey Wrangle<>Tom Robbins<> "Still Life With Woodpecker"

"There is a fine line between a rut and a groove"
G.D. Kittredge III


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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: wowzer
Date: July 28, 2011 09:56PM

Amazing video...wish I had seen it before I went. I saved it to my hard drive...I'm just a smokey mountain boy, coming to the hills I love...


But one sad note---if you see the video, the trees are lush and healthy...not the white husks that are in my photos.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: July 29, 2011 08:01AM
If they are true Amish then yes they don't like having their picture taken. The one boy is wearing tennis
shoes so they may not be true Amish. The family that does a lot work for my wife here on the farm are
of Amish descent, they're parents were Amish but were asked to leave because they weren't living up
the true Amish code, by laws or whatever you call it. They have 12 children and they build or fix about

Love the pictures, I've spent a lot of time in the Great Smokies, did you get to Linville Falls and Gorge?

Thanks for sharing them, I'd like to see more if possible.

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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: July 29, 2011 08:19AM
Purple Mountains Majesty.

Definitely one of the most beautiful places in the USA and maybe the world.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: goodmanx
Date: July 29, 2011 09:27AM
moe's clone!

used to spend summers in asheville. loved it!
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: wowzer
Date: July 29, 2011 09:55AM
I couldn't get to Linville Falls or the Gorge...I had 5 days to spend in the Smokey Mountains---and I had to play golf in Gatlinburg at least one of those days. The other days were spent meandering around town, sampling the cuisine, and sightseeing the smokies...

Linville Falls and the Gorge sound like nice places---perhaps I'll try to make a stop when I come back from my annual Florida drive in the springtime.


If they are true Amish then yes they don't like having their picture taken. The one boy is wearing tennis
shoes so they may not be true Amish. The family that does a lot work for my wife here on the farm are
of Amish descent, they're parents were Amish but were asked to leave because they weren't living up
the true Amish code, by laws or whatever you call it. They have 12 children and they build or fix about

Love the pictures, I've spent a lot of time in the Great Smokies, did you get to Linville Falls and Gorge?

Thanks for sharing them, I'd like to see more if possible.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: July 29, 2011 11:38AM
.....did SMOKE get in.....your eyes.....TOO......???


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: billb
Date: July 29, 2011 01:53PM
Newt a trois ...
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: magicmikey
Date: July 29, 2011 11:09PM
You are correct. Those buildings in the background are in Gatlinburg. The most visible one is the Park Vista Hotel. (I live in Knoxville and have been here for 40 years. Get to got to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg on a regular basis.)

One small note. It's actually the Smoky Mountains. There's no e in it.
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Re: Great Smokey Mountain Photo part 2
Posted by: wowzer
Date: July 31, 2011 09:49PM
Ewww...did I mess that up?

There certainly is no 'e' in it...

You are correct. Those buildings in the background are in Gatlinburg. The most visible one is the Park Vista Hotel. (I live in Knoxville and have been here for 40 years. Get to got to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg on a regular basis.)

One small note. It's actually the Smoky Mountains. There's no e in it.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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