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When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Grumpyguy
Date: June 17, 2006 10:01PM
open a door or trunk. I can't think of the last time. My 94 T'Bird had Ford's number/entry pad (which was the only thing that worked on that car) and keyless entry, my 96 LSS had keyless entry and my 2000 Intrigue has keyless entry.

I know for sure that I haven't used my keys to open a door or trunk on the Intrigue and I bet that I didn't use them on the Tbird or LSS either.

Not earth shattering, but at some point, might the keyhole in the doors and trunk go the way of the floppy drive?


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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: dmann
Date: June 17, 2006 10:14PM
Today. smiling smiley

My keyless system is an aftermarket add-on ('97 Integra) and for some reason they were never able to get it to work with the trunk. Unless I pop the trunk open from the inside of the car, I have to use the key.

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Jp!
Date: June 17, 2006 10:19PM
Uh, multiple times a day. Mainly because I lock my car(s) every time I get out, manually. Even when it's in my garage, or driveway.

I have never had keyless entry. I don't even have power locks. Or a fourth or fifth gear.

I DO have a remote starter for heating and cooling from long distance away.

Plus, use my keys to lock my pistol in the underseat storage when needed by law.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2006 10:20PM by Jp!.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: microchip13
Date: June 17, 2006 10:20PM
Last tuesday, had to put some drums in our trunk, that's about it.

I'm not much of a fan of keyless entry stuff, sure it's nice, but I find it easier to just get the keys out of my pocket when I'm standing at the car then to attempt to find them when I'm walking out towards it.

It is nice sometimes though, but then I only really like the OEM stuff, I find it's much nicer, the Aftermarket stuff we've had is really kinda bad.

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Just because it has two clutches, shifts faster, uses a torque converter or has near-infinite gear ratios, requires less driver intervention and is more efficient doesn't make it better in my opinion.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Pat
Date: June 17, 2006 10:20PM
I've never opened a trunk with a key. Then again, I've never owned anything that had a trunk.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: dmann
Date: June 17, 2006 10:35PM
Just to note, I didn't add just the keyless entry system- it was part of the alarm and remote starter package. I hate the cold winters. I am not too lazy to use a key to open the car door!

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: sscutchen
Date: June 17, 2006 10:36PM
Bought an elephant.

Lost the key to the trunk.

Bought a cow.

Horn was broke.


Don't ask who the bell's for, dude. It's you.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: elmo3
Date: June 17, 2006 10:52PM
Honda started the downhill slide officially, when they brought out the 05 Odyssey with no passenger door lock cylinder.

I would say it's important to exercise those lock cylinders, before they corrode into uselessness and your remote opener battery goes dead.


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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: spearmint
Date: June 17, 2006 11:03PM
Got my first keyless car. Weird.

Da Good Life
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: outcast
Date: June 17, 2006 11:06PM
As I seldom lock our car doors, I don't need the key to open them. It's kind of an "old fashioned" keyless entry system.

I only lock the doors when I go to the Big City.

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: DaviDC.
Date: June 17, 2006 11:11PM

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: jdc
Date: June 18, 2006 01:28AM
im thinking close to 10 years?

96 accord had keyless door/trunk
2000 accord, same
2002 camry, same
2005 xc90, same
$50 says any new car i buy, same...
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Racer X
Date: June 18, 2006 03:03AM
Power door locks, power windows, and remote keyless entry sure are a convenience, but you are effed when they fail.

Power window fails, and it is raining.
Keyless entry battery craps out, and you don't remember the code for the keypad, assuming you have a door keypad.
Door lock switches go bad, because the frickin' idiot engineers insist on putting them on the armrest where they get rained on, or some idiot spills a drink in them.

I remember a number of the european higher-end cars have the switches on the center console. That's where they belong.

Two of my Buicks have power door locks, and they still have normal knobs that you can pull up. They don't take any extra force to raise than a non-power lock equipped car. In my Ford and Mercury you need gawd dang pliers to pull that nob if you don't use the switch.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Baby Tats
Date: June 18, 2006 04:48AM
open the door?

'89 and '94 here so it's everyday.

I see those other things but I don't know what they are.

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: June 18, 2006 09:27AM

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: June 18, 2006 09:52AM
The last time I wanted to open the hatch door without having all the car doors unlock, and that's usually anytime I'm in a large parking lot, loading groceries or the Costco haul. Both my Lexus and my Camry had separate buttons that would unlock only the trunk, but Toyota didn't put a gizmo like that on the Highlander. sad smiley It's a 2001, and I hope the newer ones are different.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: Carm
Date: June 18, 2006 11:04AM
Since 2000, been six years now. Less wear on the key. smiling smiley
Although my previous car did have powerwindow/doorlocks. But no remote.

AlphaDog, my nissan 2001 doesnt have the seperate button for the hatch. I think its only an option on cars that had a hatch that would open automatically. My Xterra doesnt. Lame smiling smiley But the wifees 2005 Altima does. She has unlocked the trunk a few times, by accident. The only flaw with that option.

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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: wolfcry911
Date: June 18, 2006 07:16PM
I never lock the doors on my truck. In fact, I never take the keys out of the ignition except when I'm away on vacation.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: billb
Date: June 18, 2006 08:36PM
That reminds me, the batteries in both my remotes are now 6 years old.

My gas fill door locks. that door and the ignition are the only things that need a key. The doors do have tumblers, for all I know, they're broken/seized.
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Re: When is the last time you used your car key to.....
Posted by: wowzer
Date: June 18, 2006 10:45PM
Never opened my Acura's door with my key (since 2002). The trunk has no key hole, so that's obviously also never.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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