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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: October 04, 2012 08:47PM
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Symlinks do actually work. So within the dropbox folder you can put symlinks to the directories you want to backup, and it does work (unlike aliases.)

Here's another reason I think it's wrong that when you delete a file from Dropbox, it deletes your local copy as well:
When you do it, it says "Are you sure you want to delete '[filename]' from your Dropbox?" Not only does it not tell the user you're deleting all local copies with that action, but it also specifically says from Dropbox.

I can't think of another cloud based sync service that works this way.
- If I delete music from Google Music, it doesn't delete my local copies. It's a cloud service, and it automatically syncs
- If I delete apps from my Amazon appstore account, it doesn't delete them off my phone.
- If I delete photos from Google Plus (the ones automatically uploaded when you take them), it doesn't delete them from my phone.
- If I delete an app from the Apple App store on one computer, it doesn't remove it from the other computers

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: space-time
Date: October 04, 2012 08:51PM
I love dropbox, and I don't understand why you have so many issues with it. If you don't like it, have you found a better alternative?
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: October 04, 2012 08:56PM
I love dropbox, and I don't understand why you have so many issues with it. If you don't like it, have you found a better alternative?

It takes time to get each one setup and try it out. Too me a while to get enough storage to try it out. Apparently Box(.net) doesn't have this issue, but they also don't have a free version for me to try it out with.

Do you not have an issue with if Dropbox has a glitch, or another security issue like the one last June, all your local files you share could be deleted? There should at least be an option to choose if you want mirroring, upload only, download only...

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: hal
Date: October 04, 2012 08:58PM
You seem to be expecting dropbox to be something that it is not. It's not anything like those other services you list and I wouldn't expect it to work in a similar manner.

All it does is keep a folder synced with the same folder on other machines. When you delete a file within that folder on one machine, it will disappear from the other machines. That's what it is supposed to do.

new post edit:
"Do you not have an issue with if Dropbox has a glitch, or another security issue like the one last June, all your local files you share could be deleted? There should at least be an option to choose if you want mirroring, upload only, download only..."

I backup the local folder to save myself from dropbox screwing up. But I've never had any issue like this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2012 09:00PM by hal.
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: space-time
Date: October 04, 2012 09:00PM
I have all tiles backed up locally anyway, so even if dropbox goes poof, I fire time machine and get my important files back (1Password file fo example)
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: October 04, 2012 09:54PM
You seem to be expecting dropbox to be something that it is not. It's not anything like those other services you list and I wouldn't expect it to work in a similar manner.

All it does is keep a folder synced with the same folder on other machines. When you delete a file within that folder on one machine, it will disappear from the other machines. That's what it is supposed to do.

That's not all it does. It also keeps a copy on their own servers - just like those other services. Google Music does the same thing with music. But if you remove the copy from the server, or from the index on their server, it doesn't remove it from your local devices.

And the example I'm giving is not the same as what you're saying. If I removed it from one computer I would expect another computer to be in sync. But if it gets removed from their server, I wouldn't expect the local files to be removed. No other service I aware of works this way.

Also, I'm really surprised you think Box is nothing like Dropbox.


new post edit:
"Do you not have an issue with if Dropbox has a glitch, or another security issue like the one last June, all your local files you share could be deleted? There should at least be an option to choose if you want mirroring, upload only, download only..."

I backup the local folder to save myself from dropbox screwing up. But I've never had any issue like this.

I have all tiles backed up locally anyway, so even if dropbox goes poof, I fire time machine and get my important files back (1Password file fo example)

Doesn't that defeat the main purpose of Dropbox? Otherwise what's the difference between using Dropbox and copying something to a server via FTP, or WebDAV? Your files aren't automatically synchronized between machines. If you have to copy them to another directory so that they can be available on another machine, why not just copy them to another machine?

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: space-time
Date: October 04, 2012 10:15PM
Doesn't that defeat the main purpose of Dropbox? Otherwise what's the difference between using Dropbox and copying something to a server via FTP, or WebDAV? Your files aren't automatically synchronized between machines. If you have to copy them to another directory so that they can be available on another machine, why not just copy them to another machine?

I guess I did not express myself clearly. I have dropbox installed on 5 computers (3 here, 1 at my parents, 1 at my inlaws). I share folders (pictures) with them. I share 1P file with wife.

dropbox takes care of syncing files, I don't have to lift a finger.

Should something happen to my files (like 1P gets deleted for some reason). I can always restore it from a TM backup.

I would like to know if my previous statement was not clear (ESL here) or what else determined you to make that comment/statement?

BTW, how is your new job, IIRC you were looking for a car when you got a new steady job across town. You ended up with some German car, right? how is the drive? how long is the commute?
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: October 04, 2012 10:31PM
I guess I did not express myself clearly. I have dropbox installed on 5 computers (3 here, 1 at my parents, 1 at my inlaws). I share folders (pictures) with them. I share 1P file with wife.

For that use, WebDAV would be fine. I imagine for most people it's easier to setup dropbox though. For me, since the Finder supports WebDAV I wouldn't even need to install software.


Should something happen to my files (like 1P gets deleted for some reason). I can always restore it from a TM backup.

I would like to know if my previous statement was not clear (ESL here) or what else determined you to make that comment/statement?

I thought you were saying something else. ESL had nothing to do with it (and I remember you saying that in the past, but had forgotten.) Reading your statement now, I realize I just misread it.


BTW, how is your new job, IIRC you were looking for a car when you got a new steady job across town. You ended up with some German car, right? how is the drive? how long is the commute?

New job is going pretty good. I still have half of my old job as well, and the BigCo from a little while back contacted me about doing some high profile work outside of their normal channels. I ended up with a GTI. Drives great, though ended up needing a few hundreds bucks of AC work. Oh well, still saved many thousands. Commute varies, depends on when I go in. As little as 20-25 minutes. But while you're asking me how things are going, I did go to the hospital today with my wife to find out she's having a miscarriage.

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: space-time
Date: October 05, 2012 06:07AM
sorry to hear about that. best wishes to you and your wife.
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: Robert M
Date: October 05, 2012 06:40AM

The issue here is that you think of the Dropbox folder as a regular folder on your computer. That's incorrect. It's actually backwards. In terms of Dropbox, the Dropbox folder (and its contents) is actually on their server. (Remember, the Dropbox folder on your local machine wasn't created by you. It was created by the Dropbox software). You just happen to have a local representation of the remote Dropbox folder that acts like a normal folder.

You can add/delete/modify the files contained in the local folder as if they are normal files (because they are). However you can do this if and only if your a subscriber to the Dropbox service. Give up your subscription and you give up access to the folder. That's why it's vital to keep a local backup copy of the entire Dropbox folder. If something happens to Dropbox, you still have all of your files. 'course, it's also a good idea to backup and delete everything in that folder in the event you decide to stop using the service. It ensures all of your files are safe and sound on the local machine.

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: October 05, 2012 10:31AM
Robert, and that's the problem. It shouldn't be that way. They are *my* files, not dropbox's. If it was their data or data I was subscribing to, that makes sense. But when it's my data, it should be treated as such.

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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: Robert M
Date: October 05, 2012 10:42AM

Sure, it's your data but if you're subscribing to Dropbox you must accept how their systems works and adjust your practices accordingly. If the Dropbox system is unacceptable as it is designed, don't use it.

The system isn't perfect by any stretch but it is the best of its kind and I've tried the others. Definitely complain with the hope they improve the system and/or change it in a manner that works for you, though. smiling smiley

In the meantime, if Dropbox doesn't work for you or you don't like the way the system is designed, then definitely better off finding a different solution.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2012 10:53AM by Robert M.
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Re: Dropbox managing & deleting local files...
Posted by: kj4btkljv
Date: October 05, 2012 11:12AM
Should something happen to my files (like 1P gets deleted for some reason). I can always restore it from a TM backup.

You can also restore it from your account, on the Dropbox website. They are keeping deleted copies for a while (don't know exactly how long) so you can "undelete" files you have accidentally (or intentionally) deleted already.

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