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MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: November 05, 2012 08:56AM
Mangy kids lost the battery cap for the very nice 1st Generation Apple Bluetooth keyboard.. the little aluminium one, no numeric keypad or touchpad, of course.

Any good sources for these ?
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: iaJim
Date: November 05, 2012 08:58AM
Surely someone has an old dead one lying around. Ebay? The Apple store? They might have a spare piece in the junk drawer.
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: November 05, 2012 09:09AM
Send an e-mail to a place that refurbishes them, e.g. our sponsor.

Ask if they have any salvage parts from one of the unrefurbishables.
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: saintyohann
Date: November 05, 2012 09:40AM
You can get them from the genius bar.
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: November 05, 2012 11:19AM
This is job for...

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: silvarios
Date: November 05, 2012 12:48PM
Mangy kids lost the battery cap for the very nice 1st Generation Apple Bluetooth keyboard.. the little aluminium one, no numeric keypad or touchpad, of course.

Not that is matters because you already clarified with aluminum, but I wanted to point out the first gen Apple Bluetooth keyboard is full size white and clear plastic.
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: November 05, 2012 06:00PM
Let me know if you find one. I need one as well. FYI, Apple can't order them, I already asked.

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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: November 05, 2012 11:01PM
You can get them from the genius bar.

Only with a keyboard attached.

I lost my cap to a Gen 1 Al BT keyboard (three AA batteries) and they gave me a new two-battery version.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

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When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

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by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

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And hope is a lousy defense.

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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: silvarios
Date: November 06, 2012 12:27AM
Let me know if you find one. I need one as well. FYI, Apple can't order them, I already asked.

Seriously? Seems odd. Guess the keyboard isn't considered serviceable. Better not lose mine (I have a two battery model).
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: silvarios
Date: November 06, 2012 12:27AM
You can get them from the genius bar.

Only with a keyboard attached.

I lost my cap to a Gen 1 Al BT keyboard (three AA batteries) and they gave me a new two-battery version.

AppleCare on a current Mac?
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Re: MIssing... Battery cover for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard... Any sources ?
Posted by: WHiiP
Date: November 06, 2012 06:07AM
How the heck do you lose that cap? ? ? ? Were you having sex while changing the batteries? ? ? ?

Flagler Beach, FL 32136

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Fermentation may have been a greater discovery than fire.
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