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AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: hal
Date: April 22, 2013 03:33PM
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What price will aapl reach next?

In the last poll, the majority got it right. [] 63% said that apple would hit $399 before it hit $500 again back when the price was hanging at about $450.

So... what do we say now? What comes next for aapl - $350 or $450?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2013 03:54PM by hal.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: (vikm)
Date: April 22, 2013 03:46PM
I have no answer, but found it interesting that it went up as much as it did today based on most of the articles I've read that stated record profits forecast to go along with lower than expected earnings. I could live to be 1000 yrs old and will never understand "the game". I've given up trying and feel much better about it all smiling smiley
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Marc Anthony
Date: April 22, 2013 03:52PM
Until a new product release is imminent, $450 seems less likely. I expect an uneventful quarter with a small drop, but I also think that the stock will hit bottom before reaching $350.

Le poète doit vivre beaucoup, vivre dans tous les sens. - Verlaine
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: hal
Date: April 22, 2013 03:59PM
I don't really have an opinion this time. But I certainly find it interesting to watch. Now that the biggest growth stock in history seems to be maturing (again) wallstreet really doesn't know what to do with it.

Frankly, I think it's under valued, but investors seem to be suffering from fatigue.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: April 22, 2013 04:03PM
I read an interesting article that suggested that Apple could be planning to use their cash horde to take the company private again. The same article then went through all the reasons that wouldn't happen. The biggest reason is that it would require a leveraged buy-out and there isn't a bank in the world big enough to underwrite the operation. At current valuations, they'd need upwards of $500billion. If they plow the company into the ground they can devalue the company to the point that they might be able to buy it, but then, what would be left to buy?

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: billb
Date: April 22, 2013 04:06PM
I don't see much of anything to push it up or down.
I see weeks of stagnating unceremoniously at 400.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: decay
Date: April 22, 2013 04:09PM
i'm M A V I C, and so's my wife.

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: hal
Date: April 22, 2013 05:05PM
Clearly, we have to do SOMETHING about this ever expanding M A V I C presence...
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: April 22, 2013 05:12PM
Been some interesting articles on the kind of crusade Samsung has been on - and the tactics they have been using to undermine all competitors in the mobile space. It appears highly personal for them and no holds barred as well.

Earnings tomorrow will be interesting in terms of seeing where Apple unit volumes are... but Apple is still a very strong company with amazing cash flow that's trading at about 50% that of Microsoft and other industry peers (when discount share price to comparable cash on hand levels) which appear to have weaker businesses future and certainly less stellar track records last 5-10 years vs. Apple.

It is amazing how viciously negative Apple sentiment has turned over the last 8 months to say the least. I'd argue mostly emotional or intentionally manipulative vs. justifiable. Really talking independent of the stock price. While very different circumstances today - you'd think it was 1996 again the way some attack the leadership and business of Apple.

Investor sentiment, short of something unexpected in quarterly revenue or something to 'appease the so-called Apple cash hoard critics', likely to send to $350 before irrational is replaced with rational again. But who knows.

What I do know is that Apple has a huge ecosystem that continues to grow. Continues to generate exceptional cash flow .... and in 5 years, assuming no major acquisition, the dividends paid + additional cash hoard built likely put it at over $350/share in cash&div value alone.

What other strong, healthy company in the market today can be purchased today for what its cash value could very well be just 5 years from now.... none that I know of.

A lot will change over 5 years... but Apple will have to wildly screw up to lose the benefits of a foundation that's been exceptionally well built to this point. Even if that means they are not growing, their base is not going away anytime soon. They further own the next generation of consumers that by a wide margin have the iPhone or iPad on their list vs. an Android driven device.

We shall see. Now.... They better have one helluva great Mac Pro released in the next 7 weeks! It's long overdue and, imho, they have dissed their professional customer base for way too long. They at least fixed a lot of what the Pros said went wrong with Final Cut X... so they are listening... and high expectations for the next Mac Pro. smiling smiley

At the end of the day - we use what is best for our work and personal requirements. The performance of Apple stock shouldn't change how we make the determination such.

OWC Larry
Other World Computing

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2013 05:15PM by OWC Larry.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: (vikm)
Date: April 22, 2013 05:22PM
Larry is spot on with that assessment, imo. Perfectly sums it up.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: sekker
Date: April 22, 2013 06:02PM
I was wrong in the last poll, so likely wrong here, too.

The most interesting number I'm watching is the Mac sales. There have been quite divergent estimates (from -8% to +8%).

I also wonder whether Apple is going to break out the iPad vs mini sales numbers. That, too, could be more informative than what we've seen from speculators.

If the Apple stock were to go to $350, I might just sell a few M$ shares and invest in a fruity computer company!
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: hal
Date: April 22, 2013 08:08PM
Much closer poll this time. Wonder if that means we'll be churning for a while...
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Mrs. M A V I C
Date: April 22, 2013 08:32PM
Clearly, we have to do SOMETHING about this ever expanding M A V I C presence...

We DID do something...and now it's expanding again, in September. smiling smiley
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: hal
Date: April 22, 2013 09:21PM
Mrs. M A V I C
Clearly, we have to do SOMETHING about this ever expanding M A V I C presence...

We DID do something...and now it's expanding again, in September. smiling smiley

I guess we're gonna have to change the ground rules around here:

...but seriously, CONGRATS!
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: April 22, 2013 09:36PM
more detailed explanation and photos of "something" and "expansion" are required.


Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: August West
Date: April 22, 2013 09:54PM

We DID do something...and now it's expanding again, in September.


Early evening, April four
A shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride
In the name of love
In the name of love
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Racer X
Date: April 22, 2013 10:23PM
well, as it happens, there "may" be some photos......
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: April 22, 2013 10:56PM
Mrs. M A V I C
Clearly, we have to do SOMETHING about this ever expanding M A V I C presence...

We DID do something...and now it's expanding again, in September. smiling smiley

Congrats! Not everyone can swing a new Mac Pro!

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Fritz
Date: April 23, 2013 08:40AM
I would think it will stay above $370 and churn a bit.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: decay
Date: April 23, 2013 03:12PM
A history of Apple's share price

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: April 23, 2013 04:03PM
Ha! I saw the title of this thread and though "is it worded the same as last time?" The answer is no, so I skipped it. My wife had to fill me in on it last night.

I think if Apple actually releases a watch, their stock will hit $350 next.

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Re: AAPL: what comes next; $350 or $450?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: April 23, 2013 04:30PM
You have a bit less than 20% of the poll, so FAIL!

Ha! I saw the title of this thread and though "is it worded the same as last time?" The answer is no, so I skipped it. My wife had to fill me in on it last night.

I think if Apple actually releases a watch, their stock will hit $350 next.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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