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Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: SteveO
Date: June 23, 2013 10:11PM
I've had Pink's album Greatest Hits...So Far and several other songs of hers from her latest album for five months now. I've listened to all of this music in iTunes. Yet when I search for "Pink" in my iTunes 11 library, it doesn't show up — but Pink Floyd and other stuff with Pink in it (Nick Drake's Pink Moon, etc.) does. I have to do a Finder search for her song titles and then click on those to play them...BUT...if I search for the album title within iTunes, or the song title, I can find the music and play it with no problem.

What the hey...? This is on iTunes 11.0.4, on 10.6.8. I have iTunes Match and the songs are downloaded and not in the cloud. Thanks for your thoughts.
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: decay
Date: June 23, 2013 10:16PM
could it be P!nk by any chance?

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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: June 23, 2013 10:50PM

or maybe it is prejudice.......???


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: Rolando
Date: June 23, 2013 11:15PM
Agree, try searching for "p!nk"

San Antonio, TX (in the old city)

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2013 11:16PM by Rolando.
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: SteveO
Date: June 23, 2013 11:42PM
Oh krikey, you guys got it. I never even noticed she spelled her name that way. Dolt. Me.
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: deckeda
Date: June 23, 2013 11:53PM
If I understand you correctly:
-- searching "pink" reveals artists with that in the name other than "Pink." So, it finds Pink Floyd only.
-- searching "pink" reveals albums with that in the album name. Ditto for song searches.

This sounds dumb but verify the Pink music is tagged properly for Artist and if necessary, Album Artist. Look also at the Sort fields.

If a few songs look tagged OK select the whole album and Cmd-I to verify the whole album for inconsistent metadata that might be throwing the artist info off. Fields that are blank here could either be blank for every included song, OR just one of them could have something unique. Only completed fields here mean it's the same for every selected song in the group.

Consider adding Pink to Album Artist.

I have seen maddening metadata wackiness, but not in a long while, like multiple instances of identical artist names listed. And the artist has like 10 albums and so they're "split" between the two names. Or a single album "split" between two instances of an artist name. Hair-pulling stuff.

Often it's something easily fixable but obscure like a Sort field amiss. Sometimes everything's OK but iTunes needs "to rest" --- some info gets cached in memory and it'll refuse to query it's own library or XML files to know what's what.

When that happens I gather the offending songs, move them to a folder on the desktop, go back to iTunes and "delete" them so that iTunes doesn't think they exist. Shut down iTunes, maybe reboot, maybe go to bed and wait.

Re-import them to iTunes and see if they're right. If not, delete as much metadata as you can stomach to lose, and delete them again. Rinse and repeat a lot of this and it'll eventually get right.

Persistence, not workarounds, wins the day. (Although using Spotlight to find/play a song is a brilliant idea.)
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: deckeda
Date: June 23, 2013 11:54PM
Holy Jeebus I read this thread 3 times before posting all of that and still didn't notice that either.
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: vision63
Date: June 24, 2013 12:27AM
I so LOVE P!nk! Love her love her love her love her.

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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: MEG
Date: June 24, 2013 12:29AM
Use "Pink" for the Sort Artist and everything will work also
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: vision63
Date: June 24, 2013 12:29AM
love her love her love her love her love her...


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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: Will Collier
Date: June 24, 2013 06:16AM
Perhaps she insisted on having her putting without eating any meat?
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: June 24, 2013 09:52AM
color blindness......??


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: decay
Date: June 24, 2013 12:00PM



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Re: Why Does My iTunes Library Hate Pink?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: June 24, 2013 02:02PM
it has a hankering for Brit......???


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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