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Why does email send from Mail get caught in Out box?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: August 31, 2006 04:25PM
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Re: Why does email send from Mail get caught in Out box?
Posted by: ADent
Date: August 31, 2006 04:34PM
Mine gets caught because there is no authentication on sending emails in a POP setting (IIRC). So a retreive emails function does have a password (sent in the clear w/o SSL IIRC) and I can send emails from those accounts for the next 3-5-10 minutes. If it times out I have to retrieve mail again.

IMAP is totally different.
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Re: Why does email send from Mail get caught in Out box?
Posted by: blusubaru
Date: August 31, 2006 06:46PM
Because your email service might be down. Also if your internet connection gets interrupted, the outbox will appear and begin catching any email you're trying to send, and then hold it until you return to a connection.
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Re: Why does email send from Mail get caught in Out box?
Posted by: pinion
Date: August 31, 2006 06:49PM
Sometimes I close the lid on my laptop before it's finished.

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