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Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Panopticon
Date: September 12, 2006 06:03AM
paralegal + lawyer =

The Wash. Post:
Triple Grande Extra Frivolous Lawsuit
Much like Johnny "Drama", when Starbucks regular Kelly Coakley had her free drink coupon rejected, she took action. On Friday, the 23-year-old Queens paralegal joined forces with lawyer Peter Sullivan in bringing a $144 million lawsuit against the Seattle coffee conglomerate, alleging "betrayal" and "fraud." Starbucks circulated e-mail coupons for a free grande drink on August 23rd but pulled the promotion last week when the viral marketing spread beyond their control. Sullivan, who is seeking class action status, became inspired to sue after seeing lines of "angry" customers outside a New York City store clutching their useless coupons.

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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Mike Sellers
Date: September 12, 2006 06:48AM
You mean they're not being sued for trying to pass off bear whiz as coffee?
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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Fritz
Date: September 12, 2006 07:00AM
bear whiz? more like burnt mud!
still, a great employee company being chased by the usual gready lawyer.
their espresso brownies are really good though. and go very well with a cap from a mom & pop joint nearby.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: spacescape
Date: September 12, 2006 08:48AM
bear whiz? more like burnt mud!
still, a great employee company being chased by the usual gready lawyer.
their espresso brownies are really good though. and go very well with a cap from a mom & pop joint nearby.

ESPRESSO BROWNIES... YUMMY!!! Anyone have a recipe?
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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: jdc
Date: September 12, 2006 09:42AM
not all, but those lawyers suck and are the reason many things cost more than they do

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: spearmint
Date: September 12, 2006 10:22AM
The scary thing is she probably thinks she is right. Her lawyer knows it is BS but is happy to pursue.

Da Good Life
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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Robert M
Date: September 12, 2006 12:52PM

I can't blame her for being annoyed and taking action. Starbucks advertised the freebie. She expected them to live up to it. They chose not to do so. It's pretty simple and clear cut. I know I'd be annoyed under the same circumstances. I just wouldn't sue. I'd just choose not to patronize that business.

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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Panopticon
Date: September 12, 2006 05:51PM
"Starbucks advertised the freebie."

Not really. They emailed a coupon to their employees. Each employee was permitted to give that one coupon to a friend or relative. Starbucks big failure was in not uniquely numbering each coupon (Dell does it everyday, can't be that hard.). That's how they ended up with 140,000,000 plus copies of the coupons being circulated.

The action is bogus and I truly hope a judge slaps sanctions on her and her attorney for filing it. She's not 'annoyed', she's a greedy lawyer wannabe.

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Re: Blood In The Water - Starbucks Sued for $144M
Posted by: Robert M
Date: September 13, 2006 08:16AM

Put the coupon in a flyer, send it to someone via mail, be it an employee to use him/herself or to give to someone. Doesn't matter. It's advertising, at least based on what was said in the article. If more details come out than what was offered in it, I'll change my assessement.

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