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Just saw my first Xbox 360 in the wild
Posted by: JoeBob
Date: January 07, 2006 08:49AM
Hit Target at opening this morning, and while cruising the electronics section, noted that they had 3 of the premium sets in stock.
Thoughts of Ebay crossed my head, but I figured that someone might buy them that was going to play them.
Oh well, off to visit my kids, and I WON'T tell them what Daddy saw this morning.
They are Gamecube kids, anyway. winking smiley
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Re: Just saw my first Xbox 360 in the wild
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: January 08, 2006 03:50AM
I wish I had $400 to spend on one...but that is half of a 17" iMac refurb. How can you justify buying one?
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Re: Just saw my first Xbox 360 in the wild
Posted by: JoeBob
Date: January 08, 2006 03:54PM
I can't see spending that much on a game box.
I bought an Atari Flashback for $10 on clearance at Target, and have had way more than $10 worth of fun playing "old school" style.
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