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See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: Ken Sp.
Date: January 08, 2006 02:02AM
Play the videos.
The words are directly from the Windows Vista presentation at CES
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Re: See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: January 08, 2006 03:28AM
Pretty good editing. The comments were more fun to read though.

I hope that the intel macs will run Windows. *crosses fingers* Runing windows like classic would be awesome.
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Re: See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: Speedy
Date: January 08, 2006 07:03AM
Very humorous!
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Re: See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: samintx
Date: January 08, 2006 07:24AM
Wouldn't there have to be a license agreement for the Intel/mac to run Windows? I agree it would be nice and especially for people like me who use their mac for certain things but prefer the Net with WIN XP
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Re: See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: elmo3
Date: January 08, 2006 07:59AM
Why would there have to be a license agreement to run Windows on Mac hardware?

There exists today a product called VirtualPC for Windows. It's just like VirtualPC for Macintosh, except it doesn't have to translate processor instructions--therefore it runs at full speed, natively on the processor for which Windows was designed anyway.

So you get virtual Windows environments, all running at full speed thanks to the native processor.

So with an Intel-based Macintosh, worst case is that I'd go to the store and buy a new VirtualPC for Macintosh that's designed for the Intel processors.

Suddenly I have virtual Windows environments running at--ta daaa--full speed, natively, on the processor for which Windows was designed.

I can think of other ways to handle it, and I could imagine Apple and Microsoft getting together to integrate Windows capability into the OS in a manner similar to how Classic is integrated. Just buy a copy of Windows, run the installer, and you're golden. Sure, that would require cooperation between MS and Apple, and no doubt licensing agreements behind the scenes. So? Is that so hard to imagine?


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: See a funny video comparing Windows Vista to Tiger
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 08, 2006 09:54PM
samintx Wrote:
> Wouldn't there have to be a license agreement for
> the Intel/mac to run Windows? I agree it would be
> nice and especially for people like me who use
> their mac for certain things but prefer the Net
> with WIN XP

The only license you would need is the one for Windows.
PC hardware is generic.

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