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Light bulb questions
Posted by: davemchine
Date: September 04, 2014 01:09AM
I just received the keys to my new home. There are MANY burned out lights that need replacing. I'd like to go LED where possible. I'm googling but not always finding answers. I would love some advice.

I now have some strip lights that use little tiny halogen bulbs which draw 50 watts each. I found replacements on Amazon but I can't find an LED equivalent. They are stamped D539443

I also have a TON of halogen flood lights at 75 watts each. I'd like to switch them to led lights that can be dimmed. I found one on amazon that seems promising but I would take other suggestions.

I have some fluorescent fixtures that use two 4' bulbs. I see there are replacements but they are pretty expensive. What has been your experience with these led replacements?

Last, I have two single bulb F30T12-RS-KB fluorescent lights in the bathroom. They suck big time. Not nearly enough light for over the sink. Could I replace the single bulb fixtures with double bulb fixtures?

Thanks for your advice.

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: bhaveshp
Date: September 04, 2014 01:59AM
Are you sure you need 1100 Lumen 85W eq BR30 bulbs? They'll likely be very bright. Also I'd be careful of the CRI (color rendering index). The bulbs you linked have some negative reviews about color output:

"they produce TONS of light quantity, but when you have these running next to a high CRI LED Cree bulb (94 CRI LBR30) they look green!"

I made the mistake of buying a bunch of CREE BR30 bulbs with a CRI of 80. The colors look weird.

Cree has an LBR30 series with a CRI of 94. You may want to consider these if the light output is bright enough.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: WHiiP
Date: September 04, 2014 06:11AM
A starting point:


Flagler Beach, FL 32136

Carpe Vino!

Fermentation may have been a greater discovery than fire.
— David Rains Wallace
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: September 04, 2014 06:28AM
Congratulations on the new house!

I was just at trying to get info on a choice for an LED flashlight, and one of the very detailed threads was about "the infamous green halo".

I didn't stick around to see what that was.

But CRI would be a big deal to me.

Good luck with your quest, and please keep us informed!

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: billb
Date: September 04, 2014 07:13AM
I'd lose the fluorescent fixtures. ( In the home. )
They may have made practical monetary sense years ago, today there are more aesthetic and useful alternatives.

facial examination mirror get task lights. As ugly as they may seem, light is as important here as it is with portrait photography.

The Phorum Wall keeps us safe from illegal characters and words
The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of one's own ignorance. -Benjamin Franklin

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2014 07:14AM by billb.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: DP
Date: September 04, 2014 07:18AM
Congratulations on the new house!

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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: clay
Date: September 04, 2014 07:26AM
got any photos of the house you're willing/able to post?
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: September 04, 2014 08:01AM
Congratulations on the new house!


agree smiley

Welcome to the adventure ! Plumbing, electrical, and HVAC questions are asked and occasionally answered here with something OTHER than "Have you zapped PRAM in your air conditioner ?"
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: davemchine
Date: September 04, 2014 09:41AM
Thanks for all the advice so far. I would definitely like to increase the lumen output as the house is darker than I prefer at night. With the dimmer I can always adjust down. The tip on the color temp is good though as I need it to look good. Thanks and keep the suggestions coming.

Since I was asked I will post a pic of the front of the house along with my goofy mug. :-)

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: davester
Date: September 04, 2014 09:48AM
You moved to the Taj Mahal?

"Man is a little germ that lives on an unimportant rock ball that revolves about a small star at the outskirts of an ordinary galaxy. ... I am absolutely amazed to discover myself on this rock ball rotating around a spherical fire. It's a very odd situation. And the more I look at things I cannot get rid of the feeling that existence is quite weird. -- Alan Watts
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: Mike Johnson
Date: September 04, 2014 10:01AM
You moved to the Taj Mahal?

Dude, I’ve been to the Taj Mahal. It wasn’t that nice!
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: davemchine
Date: September 04, 2014 10:08AM
More questions on the flood lights. I'm looking at the Cree BR30's as suggested. The ones with higher output are 3000k. Normally I try to buy the 2700k lights. Do you think 3000k would look ok inside?

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: davemchine
Date: September 04, 2014 10:13AM
The entrance to the house is a little grandiose for my taste but the rest of the house fit our style and is in a nice area. I have contractors coming to do some minor projects and we move in on Monday. Paint and lights are my projects.Thanks for any continuing advice no the lights!

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: davester
Date: September 04, 2014 10:35AM
Are your flood lights 6" can lights? If so, I'd suggest you look at the Cree (aka Ecosmart) CR6 modules from Home Depot. They have a high CRI and produce less glare than BR bulbs, though they are pricier. We have a bunch of these at our house. Cree also makes a more powerful version, the CR6-800L if you want bright, but nothing is going to be as absurdly bright as those 1100 lumen bulbs you linked to (unless their lumen rating is BS).

"Man is a little germ that lives on an unimportant rock ball that revolves about a small star at the outskirts of an ordinary galaxy. ... I am absolutely amazed to discover myself on this rock ball rotating around a spherical fire. It's a very odd situation. And the more I look at things I cannot get rid of the feeling that existence is quite weird. -- Alan Watts
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Re: Light bulb questions
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: September 04, 2014 11:08AM
The only lights that are really important regarding the color, in my opinion, are the lights around the mirror where you wife gets ready. Unless you want to go out on dates with her looking like this:

My wife had me put CFLs in in our bathroom and something disturbingly similar to this photo occurred. They were installed for about 2 days until I realized what was happening and they all "mysteriously burned out simultaneously" and had to be replaced...with incandescents. Until just recently, those were the only lights in the house with incandescent bulbs. The rest of the house had LEDs or CFLs. I finally found some LED lights at CostCo that were the correct color and 'warmth' for use in the bathroom.

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