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Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: trisho.
Date: October 12, 2014 08:52PM
Howdy folks, long time no visit/speak. I'm getting ready to move to Europe and I need to get rid of some electronics hanging about. I have a MBP that I bought in February 2009 that I'd like to properly back up and then wipe to give to my brother and his family. It has 4GB of RAM and I don't remember how big the drive is. Maybe it was in the 300GB range? I'm honestly blanking. The mouse pad is glitchy, so I'd have to send them a mouse as well. The screen hinge is also a bit sensitive on the left hand side, so I'll have to tell the kids to be careful with it. i also have a remote I can send them. What's the best way to back this up then wipe it? I used to run Time Machine on there with an external drive but that other drive is with my ex now.

I also have an iPad 1 that's not worth selling and would rather just give it to the family/the kids with a bunch of games loaded up on it. It's a 16GB. What's also the best way to back this up and wipe it? I figured I'd create a new email account like and give it a really obvious password the older kids can remember then wipe the iPad and set up the newly wiped iPad with the new email address. I can then download a bunch of apps for them and maybe tie the account to an Apple gift card so they can buy stuff if they wanted?

(Links to) Step by step instructions would be much appreciated. About how much time do you think these two wipes and reinstalls would take also? I think I may dorkily do this Friday night then put them in the mail on Saturday.

Thanks all!

Official Card-Carrying Mother Earthin' Sl*t.
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: sekker
Date: October 12, 2014 09:17PM
You can just erase all of the data on the iPad using settings on the iPad.

Then you will need to think about who will be in charge of the iPad. That person should have their iTunes account tied to it.

As for the Mac, there are similar restrictions if you plan to install any programs via the Mac App store. - someone needs to be have their Apple ID tied to it.
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: October 13, 2014 04:55AM
MBP. You'll need another hard drive or computer. Assuming an external hard drive, use the DVD drive and your operating system (OS) installation DVD, connect the hard drive to the MBP, insert the DVD into the MBP and install an OS onto the external drive. After the OS is installed on the external, boot the MBP from the external and, as part of the first boot, run Migration Assistant to move everything from the internal hard drive of the MBP to the external hard drive. This will take awhile, don't interrupt the process. After you verify your data has been moved, dismount and disconnect the external drive, then use Disk Utility from the DVD to 'secure delete' the internal hard drive, then install the OS from the DVD to the internal drive. Reboot after installation, then let the kids set it up from there. During first setup it will ask if you want to create an account with Apple, etc.

Your external will now have all your data. You can use Migration Assistant to move the data to a new Mac.

iPad. I've never done a secure delete of one but you can back it up to your computer using iTunes. Search Apple's site for exactly whatever it is you want to do.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: DP
Date: October 13, 2014 07:23AM
Moving to Europe! Cool! Where? Cote D'Azur, I hope...
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: STL
Date: October 13, 2014 07:25AM
Apple's recommendation for prepping an iPad for sell or give away
"What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch"

Speedy gave a good rundown on the process you requested.
Just be sure the external hard drive is bigger than the internal.
Here's how to find out the capacity of the internal hard drive on a Mac

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2014 07:31AM by STL.
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: trisho.
Date: October 13, 2014 10:34AM
Thanks for the run down, Speedy and thanks STL for the links. I'm planning to buy a 2TB drive this week so I can finally consolidate all my disparate drives down to one. It's insane going through all the different devices and connections that don't work anymore.

What do you guys think is the best way to ship them down to Florida? I think I still have the MBP box with all the padding but I'm also just thinking about how much bubble wrap do I need, insurance, etc. Thinking about it now, I may send one of the external drives down there to them too. I don't remember if my DVD player works or not...hrm, I may have to double check that. I plan on updating them to 10.9 before shipping it down there.

DP: I'm going to London for 6 months and then moving to Brussels to be with my partner. He and I have been long distance for almost three years now! Our anniversary is November 20th and I leave NYC November 22nd to London. We're still trying to decide if he should come over here to help me pack up or just meet me at London Heathrow airport and help me get settled there. So many things to do in the next 5.5 weeks!

Official Card-Carrying Mother Earthin' Sl*t.
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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: decay
Date: October 13, 2014 12:40PM
trisho, that's so exciting!

i'm happy you are finally getting to live with him!

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Re: Gifts to my family: What's the best way to wipe a Feb 2009 MBP and an iPad 1st Gen?
Posted by: vision63
Date: October 13, 2014 12:40PM
You go girl. Do that thing.
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