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Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: sekker
Date: December 24, 2014 10:59AM
Posting a little early, as I'm about to be very busy with my Carbon-based family shortly.

I know Christmas is formally a Christian holiday, but I'm formally a Pagan (and married to a Catholic religious ed teacher). I loved seeing the stories of the Festival of Lights in India. So whatever take you have on holiday, just be sure to take time out to celebrate!

Just want to wish everyone a terrific break and fun time with family and friends (and, for some, football).

I'm spending this year with my wife and children, and my oldest sister is flying in tomorrow. We will be doing a techie break getting my Big Sis setup with her main toys as she's retiring soon and will be 100% running her small business that's been on the Internet for over 15 years.

Christmas tree is decorated, lights are up (inside and out), first batches of Chex Mix are made, cookie dough is ready (and recently sampled!) for that fresh-out-of-the-oven experience on-demand, turkey and all of the ingredients for Christmas dinner are in the house, and my wife is sleeping in (perhaps the last day in awhile knowing how she behaves over break).

We even have just a LITTLE snow from yesterday to make it feel 'Christmassy' outside.

Have a toast on us!
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: rich in distress
Date: December 24, 2014 11:15AM
I'm about to get real busy with dinner prep, so I will not be the caring and supporting lurker I usually am.
I take the opportunity this thread brings to wish everybody a Merry Christmas, Chanukah or any other festivity I am not aware (including my dad's BD - yay 85!!)
May you spend a peaceful time with the people you love, in the best circumstances available to you all.

• back to confinement

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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: sekker
Date: December 24, 2014 11:32AM
I thought this thread was 'useless without pictures', so here's ours:

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2014 11:50AM by sekker.
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Rick-o
Date: December 24, 2014 12:08PM
Nice! thumbs up

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Mr. Lahey: Why don't you get a life Rick? Why don't ya go to community college like Julian here. Hey, I got a good idea. You could teach, livin' in a car and growin' dope 101.

Ricky: Hehe. And you can teach how to get drunk, get fired from the police force, become a... lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a @#$%&' idiot that doesn't wear a shirt, and looks like a dick but thinks he looks good... 101.
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: voodoopenguin
Date: December 24, 2014 12:26PM
Coming up to 6.30 pm over here. Sarah, the two girls and their partners are down on the village green for the annual carol singing. My job is always to stay behind and get the mulled wine, festive bites and mince pies ready for their return. That mulled wine takes a lot of testing until I'm sure it's right and NO I never use ready made stuff.

Have a great time all of you.

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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Racer X
Date: December 24, 2014 01:14PM
mice pies? You bake for your cats?
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: GuyGene
Date: December 24, 2014 01:29PM
Yes, a very Merry Christmas to us all!!

That old man - he don't think like no old man...
Now I wouldn't want to be within 400 - 500 yards of one of them nuclear bombs when it goes off! WW1 Vet Old Man
"He's pinned under an outcropping of rock. Lucky for him, the rock kept the dirt from burying him alive."
If idiots could fly, this place would be an airport. And I'd be a TSA agent.
A bonified member of The Mystic Knights of The Sea, George P. Stevens, President. Andy Brown, Treasurer, Algonquin J. Calhoun, Legal Consultant.
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: billb
Date: December 24, 2014 01:55PM

The Phorum Wall keeps us safe from illegal characters and words
The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of one's own ignorance. -Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: December 24, 2014 04:05PM
Merry Christmas everybody! Happy New Year!

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: December 24, 2014 04:09PM

yeah, you too...
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Bimwad
Date: December 24, 2014 05:59PM
Happy Festivus!
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: mrlynn
Date: December 24, 2014 06:34PM
Here are The Stanley Brothers with George Shuffler, "O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem":


Merry Christmas!

/Mr Lynn

PS Silicon, of course, has been speculated as an alternative to carbon as a backbone for life:


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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: Todd's keyboard
Date: December 24, 2014 07:19PM
Off to see some relatives I haven’t seen in several years.

A happy and a merry to all.

Todd’s sleigh-card
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Re: Merry Christmas, all of my Silicon-based friends!
Posted by: GeneL
Date: December 25, 2014 02:39AM
What ever you celebrate, my best wishes that you enjoy your holiday! smileys with beer

gl @ Dana Point, CA
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