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Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: MikeF
Date: March 09, 2015 11:54AM
Clear out all cookies (Firefox). Visit top page of 35(!) cookies added. Seems like a lot just to visit the top page.
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: Buck
Date: March 09, 2015 12:17PM
Out of hand? Yes.
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: March 09, 2015 12:44PM
Why does the number of cookies mean anything to you?

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: silvarios
Date: March 09, 2015 02:13PM
Why does the number of cookies mean anything to you?

35 pieces of tracking info from visiting a single site. Not the OP, but that's a lot.
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: March 09, 2015 02:47PM
Why does the number of cookies mean anything to you?

35 pieces of tracking info from visiting a single site. Not the OP, but that's a lot.

Why is that a lot?

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: The Grim Ninja
Date: March 09, 2015 03:12PM
Why is that a lot?

Because it's more than 1. Or 5. Or whatever. It's excessive. A site doesn't need 35 cookies to track a user who hasn't even logged in or added an item to their cart.
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: March 09, 2015 04:42PM
How many of those were deep tracking cookies that were restored by flash for visiting one of the customer sites and not actually placed by Target?

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: March 09, 2015 04:46PM
The Grim Ninja
Why is that a lot?

Because it's more than 1. Or 5. Or whatever. It's excessive. A site doesn't need 35 cookies to track a user who hasn't even logged in or added an item to their cart.

Still, why is that excessive? Sure it doesn't need 35 cookies to tell who is logged in or has an item in their cart, but the site is doing much more than that. I just checked one site I worked on, and it loads about 30 cookies. All of which have a useful purpose.

What would you prefer, it all be entered as the view state in the page code itself? That's how .NET sites tend to handle it - then you end up with sometimes as much as 1MB of code in the page that isn't cached - unlike cookies.

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: March 09, 2015 05:23PM
The Grim Ninja
Why is that a lot?

Because it's more than 1. Or 5. Or whatever. It's excessive. A site doesn't need 35 cookies to track a user who hasn't even logged in or added an item to their cart.

Still, why is that excessive? Sure it doesn't need 35 cookies to tell who is logged in or has an item in their cart, but the site is doing much more than that. I just checked one site I worked on, and it loads about 30 cookies. All of which have a useful purpose.

What would you prefer, it all be entered as the view state in the page code itself? That's how .NET sites tend to handle it - then you end up with sometimes as much as 1MB of code in the page that isn't cached - unlike cookies.

That would be a little excessvie unless they have a mobile version of the site.

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: March 09, 2015 05:47PM
To whom?

Paul F.
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Eureka, CA
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: hal
Date: March 09, 2015 05:55PM
30 cookies is too many ONLY because people fear cookies and want fewer. When a politician tell his constituents that the higher taxes he's enacted are actually for their benefit, it never goes over well.
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 09, 2015 06:16PM
run adblock

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: silvarios
Date: March 09, 2015 07:22PM
30 cookies is too many ONLY because people fear cookies and want fewer. When a politician tell his constituents that the higher taxes he's enacted are actually for their benefit, it never goes over well.

You think that many cookies was meant for the user's benefit?
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: hal
Date: March 09, 2015 08:46PM
I don't know, but I also don't care. Cookies don't worry me. I use adblock and a tracker blocker
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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: March 10, 2015 11:41AM
So, I don't work for Target, and their cookie names and values are obfuscated, so I can't speak for them. For a site I work on, I'll give a rough breakdown. This is what I can see from looking at the site, not any internal information.

SalesForce tracking - 1 cookie that is used to track users as they come to the site and associate them with resulting SalesForce profiles.
LinkedIn integration - 9 cookies that handle users being able to login with LinkedIn and I think a couple other LinkedIn integrations.
Facebook integration - 18 cookies that handle users being able to login with Facebook
B2B services - 7 cookies. I think these are cookies set by our CMS that runs the B2B marketing site.
Analytics - roughly 4 cookies for analytics
Marketing optimization tools - roughly 10 cookies. These aren't so much for tracking users, but enabling marketing to deliver content that is relevant to users. This includes things like delivering a mobile experience for those on mobile devices.
Advertising platform - 10 cookies. They're for a platform that helps manage our advertising.
Google APIs - 9 cookies that allow us to work with Google's APIs

When you're using third party service and not building every single thing yourself, it's real easy to end up with a lot of cookies.

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Re: Have browser cookies gotten out of hand?
Posted by: freeradical
Date: March 10, 2015 01:14PM
So, I don't work for Target, and their cookie names and values are obfuscated, so I can't speak for them. For a site I work on, I'll give a rough breakdown. This is what I can see from looking at the site, not any internal information.

SalesForce tracking - 1 cookie that is used to track users as they come to the site and associate them with resulting SalesForce profiles.
LinkedIn integration - 9 cookies that handle users being able to login with LinkedIn and I think a couple other LinkedIn integrations.
Facebook integration - 18 cookies that handle users being able to login with Facebook
B2B services - 7 cookies. I think these are cookies set by our CMS that runs the B2B marketing site.
Analytics - roughly 4 cookies for analytics
Marketing optimization tools - roughly 10 cookies. These aren't so much for tracking users, but enabling marketing to deliver content that is relevant to users. This includes things like delivering a mobile experience for those on mobile devices.
Advertising platform - 10 cookies. They're for a platform that helps manage our advertising.
Google APIs - 9 cookies that allow us to work with Google's APIs

When you're using third party service and not building every single thing yourself, it's real easy to end up with a lot of cookies.

What happens is that people open the privacy panel in their browser preferences, and they notice that there are literally thousands of cookies on their computer.

Most of these are from sites that you either don't login to, or only visit once, yet they leave a persistent cookie.

This is generally a WTF moment for most people.
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