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Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: tronnei
Date: October 19, 2006 01:28PM
. . . to stop that grounder 20 years ago. Why? The answer is now clear:

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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: spearmint
Date: October 19, 2006 01:42PM
What a bunch of crp! Buckner was one of the good players ever. To get run out of his home because of moran Red Sox fans harrassment is a crime. He was big fun and screw you.

Da Good Life
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: rob banzai
Date: October 19, 2006 01:44PM
Demonizing Buckner has always been idiotic. It's easy, that's why people do it. There was alot more to losing that series than Buckner's one error. A shame.
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: October 19, 2006 01:50PM
Demonizing Bartman has always been idiotic. It's easy, that's why people do it. There was alot more to losing that series than Bartman's one @#$%&. A shame.

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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: October 19, 2006 01:52PM
BTW, the article is not demonizing Buckner, just having fun with curses. The fact remains, few today would have any idea who Buckner is without that one error... and he'd probably prefer it that way.

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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: billb
Date: October 19, 2006 02:01PM
Any sports writer that uses the word gravitas is an idiot.
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: spearmint
Date: October 19, 2006 02:07PM
Bartmann is different. He deserves to be hunted down. Buckner was a class act.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2006 02:09PM by spearmint.
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: hal
Date: October 19, 2006 02:34PM
Buckner was on the first baseball team that I idolized when I was a kid - the Dodgers. I remember him as one of those dodgers more than the world series play. I wasn't a frenzied fan anymore by then.

In Ken Burn's 'Baseball', he suggests that it was rare for buckner to be in the game that late if the game was on the line. That he was old and beat up and not the best fielder in those days. He was kept in the game by the manager to allow buckner the thrill of being on the field for that final moment.

Big mistake - but not buckner's..
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: October 19, 2006 02:42PM
At least he recovered and started a new career (yeah, I know my timeline's off):

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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: vision63
Date: October 19, 2006 02:43PM
I remember Buckner as a great Dodger. He was a lot of fun. Vin Scully used to say: "Ball hit to deep left field. Buckner goes back. aWaaaayyyy Back! To the Wall!"
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: Kraniac
Date: October 19, 2006 08:51PM
Buckner...just before that disaster I remember Billy Buck being driven home, rounding third base and doing everything in his power to score what I thnk was a tying run ot go ahead run. His knees at that point in his career were extremely messed up and he was giving it everything he had to get home. It was painful even to watch the dude run.

My wife and I were both moved to tears by that play. It remains as one of my fav baseball memories.

When he booted that grounder (he didnt even boot it) it looked like he couldn't have moved much more than he did. My wife broke down and cried, I was fairly verklempt as well. That guy was playing on that team because of the sheer guts and determination he brought to the team, particularily at the plate because he had great at bats and made things happen. He always played above his level, that's what made B buck a great player.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2006 08:53PM by Kraniac.
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Re: Buckner never had a chance . . .
Posted by: h'
Date: October 20, 2006 12:18AM
I agree-- Mahler kicked Bruckner's butt!
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