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I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: April 17, 2015 08:37AM
It's embarrassing: every time I click on Photoshop and it takes just under 3 seconds to fully open, I yelp for joy or clap or toss fists in the air or display some other un-professional loud behavior. The family rolls their eyes and I promise to relax and grow up.

I think the problem is I still have muscle memory and trauma from the olden computer days, my favorite being MS Word 6, circa 1995, which would take over 2 minutes to fully load.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: rjmacs
Date: April 17, 2015 08:40AM
It's embarrassing: every time I click on Photoshop and it takes just under 3 seconds to fully open, I yelp for joy or clap or toss fists in the air or display some other un-professional loud behavior. The family rolls their eyes and I promise to relax and grow up.

I think the problem is I still have muscle memory and trauma from the olden computer days, my favorite being MS Word 6, circa 1995, which would take over 2 minutes to fully load.

Remember watching extensions load in MacOS? Crossing fingers that none would crash the system as the icons spread across the bottom of the screen.... C'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon.........DAMMIT!

Vreemac, Moth of the Future
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: April 17, 2015 08:42AM
It's embarrassing: every time I click on Photoshop and it takes just under 3 seconds to fully open, I yelp for joy or clap or toss fists in the air or display some other un-professional loud behavior. The family rolls their eyes and I promise to relax and grow up.

I think the problem is I still have muscle memory and trauma from the olden computer days, my favorite being MS Word 6, circa 1995, which would take over 2 minutes to fully load.

Remember watching extensions load in MacOS? Crossing fingers that none would crash the system as the icons spread across the bottom of the screen.... C'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon.........DAMMIT!

trying to get back those countless hours tracing what the hell was causing it? oh, the time.....

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: silvarios
Date: April 17, 2015 08:42AM
It's embarrassing: every time I click on Photoshop and it takes just under 3 seconds to fully open, I yelp for joy or clap or toss fists in the air or display some other un-professional loud behavior. The family rolls their eyes and I promise to relax and grow up.

I think the problem is I still have muscle memory and trauma from the olden computer days, my favorite being MS Word 6, circa 1995, which would take over 2 minutes to fully load.

Remember watching extensions load in MacOS? Crossing fingers that none would crash the system as the icons spread across the bottom of the screen.... C'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon...c'mon.........DAMMIT!

Conflict Catcher.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: April 17, 2015 08:43AM
Conflict Catcher!

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: April 17, 2015 08:44AM
trying to get back those countless hours tracing what the hell was causing it? oh, the time.....

This made me laugh hard. But in a painful way.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: blooz
Date: April 17, 2015 08:45AM
Ahh, Conflict Catcher…

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Western Massachusetts
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: silvarios
Date: April 17, 2015 08:47AM
One more time, Conflict Catcher!
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Kraniac
Date: April 17, 2015 08:57AM
So, Besides applications firing much of a speed kick do you get when actually working in Photoshop with your system on an SSD?
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: sekker
Date: April 17, 2015 09:02AM
So, Besides applications firing much of a speed kick do you get when actually working in Photoshop with your system on an SSD?

If you have to ask, you must be using a platter drive.

The SSD is used by photoshop for the scratch drive storage. It can speed up some tasks 10x or more, especially on machines will lower RAM.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Robert M
Date: April 17, 2015 09:03AM

Don't feel bad. Last week, I cloned one of my office computers to a backup drive. The machine has an SSD. The backup drive is a platter drive. I rebooted off the platter drive to make sure everything was funcitoning properly. All was well. I went to System Preferenced and selected the SSD as the boot drive and rebooted.

Or so I thought.

I got busy doing something else while the machine booted and didn't pay any attention it. So, once I returned to the machine, I went about my business. And, all day long I was wondering why the machien felt sluggish and I saw the occasional beachball. I didn't have time to delve into it and just put up with the situation until things at the office slowed enough for me to give it a looksie.

Lesson to be learned: do not perform system maintenance while suffering from severe asthma made zillions time worse by a nasty upper respiratory infection.

Apparently, the illnesses fogged my brain enough that I selected the wrong boot drive in system preferences and I'd been working off the platter drive all day.

Once I realized that, I selected the correct boot drive, let Dropbox do its update and went back to work. What a difference!



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2015 09:23AM by Robert M.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Black
Date: April 17, 2015 09:22AM
Took a while, but it's nice to see that something like a majority of MRFers has accepted SSD into their computing hearts.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: April 17, 2015 09:25AM
I'm still waiting on the side of the SSD road, but I'll join if I can bring my MBP back to life.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Kraniac
Date: April 17, 2015 09:50AM
So, Besides applications firing much of a speed kick do you get when actually working in Photoshop with your system on an SSD?

If you have to ask, you must be using a platter drive.

The SSD is used by photoshop for the scratch drive storage. It can speed up some tasks 10x or more, especially on machines will lower RAM.

Confused, I would assume that the drive the original poster is referring to is a system drive. There is no mention of a dedicated scratch drive in that post. Of course you can use your System drive as scratch drive but he doesn't mention anything about a scratch in the op.

And yes, I do have to ask...... Im using platters,platters, platters.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: polychrome
Date: April 17, 2015 09:54AM
Oh yes, Conflict Catcher! Haven't seen that since the last time I fired up my PowerCenter Pro.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: sekker
Date: April 17, 2015 10:15AM
So, Besides applications firing much of a speed kick do you get when actually working in Photoshop with your system on an SSD?

If you have to ask, you must be using a platter drive.

The SSD is used by photoshop for the scratch drive storage. It can speed up some tasks 10x or more, especially on machines will lower RAM.

Confused, I would assume that the drive the original poster is referring to is a system drive. There is no mention of a dedicated scratch drive in that post. Of course you can use your System drive as scratch drive but he doesn't mention anything about a scratch in the op.

And yes, I do have to ask...... Im using platters,platters, platters.

Photoshop uses the boot drive for virtual memory by default, which is what I meant by scratch drive.

If everything you have are platters, don't get an SSD until you are ready to commit all the way. It's viscerally painful to go back to a platter drive when you've been using SSDs.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: jdc
Date: April 17, 2015 10:38AM
I'm still waiting on the side of the SSD road, but I'll join if I can bring my MBP back to life.

It can and will. You have waited too long.

For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: April 17, 2015 10:41AM
For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

HA, I second this benefit: one of the best things about SSDs is that restarting is no longer something I put off or cringe doing. I do it any time, knowing I'll be back up in around 30 seconds.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: April 17, 2015 11:03AM
When selecting a drive for 2009 and 2010 macbook pro is there any one brand that is best?

Is there some software that needs to be used with certain drives?

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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: PeterW
Date: April 17, 2015 11:36AM
1. No

2. No
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: GeneL
Date: April 17, 2015 11:49AM
For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

HA, I second this benefit: one of the best things about SSDs is that restarting is no longer something I put off or cringe doing. I do it any time, knowing I'll be back up in around 30 seconds.

+1thumbs up

gl @ Dana Point, CA
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Black
Date: April 17, 2015 12:01PM

If everything you have are platters, don't get an SSD until you are ready to commit all the way. It's viscerally painful to go back to a platter drive when you've been using SSDs.

This is unfortunate advice IMO. Booting from an SSD with platter drives for media and larger storage is revolutionary. For most of us, the cost of going SSD-only is going to be prohibitive for at least another year or two.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: April 17, 2015 01:04PM
I'm still waiting on the side of the SSD road, but I'll join if I can bring my MBP back to life.

It can and will. You have waited too long.

For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

says who? are SSDs going up in price?

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: Article Accelerator
Date: April 17, 2015 01:29PM
I think the problem is I still have muscle memory and trauma from the olden computer days, my favorite being MS Word 6, circa 1995, which would take over 2 minutes to fully load.


(On my Late 2012 iMac with Fusion Drive, Word launches in less than 3 seconds and re-launches in less than 1 second.)
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: jdc
Date: April 17, 2015 04:22PM
I'm still waiting on the side of the SSD road, but I'll join if I can bring my MBP back to life.

It can and will. You have waited too long.

For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

says who? are SSDs going up in price?

Nah, but they have been pretty steady for the last 6+ months. At least in the 240 GB range. Bought mine for $79 on sale last October, same drive is $89-99 now.

But all the time you have lost! smiley-shocked003 LOL/

I can't really imagine a 240 GB SSD getting much cheaper than $75 ish. Would be nice if 480 Gb would drop to $100-130 and 1 TB to $150... But so far the cheapest 1 TB I've seen is just shy of $300...

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: April 17, 2015 04:45PM

Nah, but they have been pretty steady for the last 6+ months. At least in the 240 GB range. Bought mine for $79 on sale last October, same drive is $89-99 now.

But all the time you have lost! smiley-shocked003 LOL/

I can't really imagine a 240 GB SSD getting much cheaper than $75 ish. Would be nice if 480 Gb would drop to $100-130 and 1 TB to $150... But so far the cheapest 1 TB I've seen is just shy of $300...[/quote]

What brand of drive did you get a 240gig for $79?

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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: silvarios
Date: April 17, 2015 05:07PM
For me, it was always -- I need to reboot, so Im gonna go do a few things first... now a reboot takes 20? seconds. meh.

HA, I second this benefit: one of the best things about SSDs is that restarting is no longer something I put off or cringe doing. I do it any time, knowing I'll be back up in around 30 seconds.

Do people power down or restart very often? About the most overrated feature for SSDs, for me anyway, is the reboot speed. It's nice, but happens so rarely, I forget about it.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: sekker
Date: April 17, 2015 06:38PM
Black- you may be right.

But it's very painful to go back to a HD when you are using even an older Mac using an SSD.
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Re: I really gotta get over SSD speeds
Posted by: jdc
Date: April 18, 2015 12:58PM
What brand of drive did you get a 240gig for $79?

It was a PNY Optima. I think it was actually $74 AR. Its a "budget" SSD but has great reviews. The price was right. I wasn't that concerned about longevity, even if it only goes a few years the time saved will more than make up for the $75 it cost.

Over the course of the last several months Ive seen several other 240 GB SSDs from Samsung, Crucial and Sandisk for $85-89

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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