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The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: guitarist
Date: January 10, 2006 08:58PM
(Victory Lap)

I went on record here about two weeks ago predicting that Apple would NOT have any visible Intel branding on their new machines. Though I left myself some wiggle room with this prediction, in case I was flat wrong and had to find a way to climb back from my perch, I'm pleased to report, I got lucky, it appears my prediction was correct. Woohoo!

No ugly-ass "Intel Inside" sticker, or any variation, on the new line of Macs after all.

Bravo Apple!


"New iMac and MacBook Pro (fortunately) void of Intel branding"

Posted Jan 10th 2006 5:01PM by David Chartier

Filed under: Hardware, Odds and ends

"AdJab was the first to notice something we've all been worrying about since the day Jobs announced the switch to Intel chips: Intel branding on the new Macs, or more specifically: the lack therof. After checking the product sites for the new iMac and MacBook Pro and confirming with a couple of our on-site bloggers, it's official: the new Macs weren't marred by any of the typical stickers and other silly marketing gobbly @#$%& that our PC counterparts are victims of. So you lucky bunch who are placing orders right now for zippy new Intel-infused Macs, rest assured: they're still beautiful and sticker-free."
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: pRON aHOLIC
Date: January 10, 2006 09:14PM
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 10, 2006 09:23PM
My dog just left you a "gift".
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
Aren't you the same guy who said that the new MacIntel's would have HUGE Intel Inside stickers?

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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: guitarist
Date: January 10, 2006 09:42PM
"Aren't you the same guy who said that the new MacIntel's would have HUGE Intel Inside stickers? "

Nope, you have me confused with someone else, apparently.

And yes, I was right then, and I'm right now.

BGnR--I'm sure I speak for pretty much all of us--you were a tiresome sorehead then, and you're still one now. You can kiss our collective ass!

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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 10, 2006 09:44PM
guitarist Wrote:

> BGnR--I'm sure I speak for pretty much all of
> us--you were a tiresome sorehead then, and you're
> still one now. You can kiss our collective ass!

Despite what you imagine, you can barely think for yourself, never mind speak.

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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: guitarist
Date: January 10, 2006 09:50PM
(thank goodness for the new ignore featuresmiling smiley
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 10, 2006 09:52PM
guitarist Wrote:
> (thank goodness for the new ignore feature

I've been ignoring you for years Guitarist.

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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: Gutenberg
Date: January 10, 2006 11:08PM
First person to get a new MacBook, please report back on the sticker situation. It's very important.
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: bill b
Date: January 10, 2006 11:11PM
Unless you collect stickers, I don't understand why this matters, so here's a Mars sunset picture:
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: elmo3
Date: January 11, 2006 05:40AM
guitarist Wrote:
> (Victory Lap)
> I went on record here about two weeks ago
> predicting that Apple would NOT have any visible
> Intel branding on their new machines. Though I
> left myself some wiggle room with this prediction,
> in case I was flat wrong and had to find a way to
> climb back from my perch, I'm pleased to report, I
> got lucky, it appears my prediction was correct.
> Woohoo!
> No ugly-ass "Intel Inside" sticker, or any
> variation, on the new line of Macs after all.

It's all over the advertising, of course, which wasn't the case with the previous machines.

I'd say you're not quite right, then. Apple *is* advertising the hell out of the whole Intel business.


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: The Unbearable Burden of Being RIGHT
Posted by: $tevie
Date: January 11, 2006 11:06AM
All he said was that there wouldn't be an "Intel Inside" type of sticker. And now he is celebrating that he was correct. With a lighthearted headline and a paragraph that includes a tad of self mockery.

Y'all take this stuff WAY too seriously.
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