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Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: New.Dad
Date: January 10, 2006 09:07PM
happened in X 10.2, 10.3 and it's still happening on 10.4.3

happened on Blue G3, iBook G3 and PowerBook G4.

Not sure if I can put this in English in a coherent way, let's try though...

My dock is positioned to the left. Automatically hide and show the Dock is ON.

Sometimes, when I move the cursor to the left briefly but come back towards the center of the screen, the NAME of an item in the Dock remains on the screen. The Dock does hide, but the Name of the icon remains on the screen. if I move the cursor toward the Dock again, Dock comes up and the ghost name is gone. Then a few minutes later it happens again.

Anyone else having this "bug", or is it just me?
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Re: Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 10, 2006 09:20PM

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Re: Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: New.Dad
Date: January 10, 2006 10:04PM
I just tried to move the Dock to bottom or right. It doesn't happen anymore! it only seems to happen when the Dock it to the Left.
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Re: Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: wurm
Date: January 10, 2006 11:18PM
I'm glad I read that subject again before posting.
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Re: Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: sscutchen
Date: January 11, 2006 08:07AM
wurm Wrote:
> I'm glad I read that subject again before posting.


Don't ask who the bell's for, dude. It's you.
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Re: Does your Dock get "stuck"
Posted by: MacMagus
Date: January 11, 2006 08:33AM
It happens to everyone. 'Doesn't matter what side it's on, except maybe on YOUR Mac. smiling smiley
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