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PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: StingMe
Date: August 15, 2015 07:16PM
Ugh - it seems that standard iTunes backups do not back up 1Password's data.

Just swapped an iPhone 6 out with Apple (bad mute switch) and now find that 1Password's data is not restored along with everything else. 1P to sync with Dropbox but at some point a switch to iCloud must have been made.

On the restored phone when 1P was launched it asked to create a new vault or sync with an existing and a sync was made with an outdated version via Dropbox. then sync was switched to iCloud which seems to have overwritten the new data file with the old one. Sigh.

iP data is only backed up via iTunes if you manually create a backup via 1P on the phone per the instructions here: []
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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: Onamuji
Date: August 15, 2015 09:09PM
Did you only use the iPhone version?

Seems kind of weird that the Dropbox version was out of date if you had it set up properly on a desktop or laptop as well as the phone.

Assuming that you have it on a Mac, did your iPhone changes overwrite the version on your Mac?

If there's a version on a Mac that is intact and up to date, I suggest first making a backup of that data (Pref's > Backup > Backup Now), then setting it up to sync via Dropbox, then setting up 1Password on the iPhone to sync via Dropbox.

(I try to never sync anything important via iCloud. It's not very reliable.)

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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: StingMe
Date: August 16, 2015 08:19AM
For this phone, yes, only the iOS version.

It seems at some point 1Password switched to iCloud sync - I wonder if this was with an update as at least one other phone that used to be synced with Dropbox is now iCloud as well. Grrr...
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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: Robert M
Date: August 16, 2015 12:51PM

I think the Apple App store version of 1Password uses iCloud for syncing. The non-Mac App store can uses Dropbox or another method. I'm using 1Password on my Macs and the iOS and I use Dropbox for syncing. No problems.

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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: sekker
Date: August 17, 2015 10:53PM
I use Dropbox for syncing - just affirming the comments in case someone searches this in the future.
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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: Onamuji
Date: August 18, 2015 06:24AM
This adventure is a good excuse for you to buy the Mac version of the software and sync it via Dropbox to your iPhone.

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Re: PSA: 1Password's data not backed up by iTunes
Posted by: Robert M
Date: August 18, 2015 09:04AM

I'm surprised people use 1Password on the iOS/Android OS without also using it conjunction with one of the desktop version. I use it multiple time per day on my Macs. I use it on my iPhone or iPad occasion but not even remotely as often as on my Macs. My wife uses it regularly on her Windows machine and occasionally on her iPhone and iPad. I'm certain I'll always have 1Password on multiple platforms.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2015 09:05AM by Robert M.
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