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Weird question
Posted by: vicrock
Date: October 30, 2006 10:12AM
I was traveling this weekend and had a long airport delay, so forked over some $$ for wi-fi.

When I opened iTunes, and plugged in my iPod to load a new audiobook, I was startled to see "Joshua's iPod" listed in the list.

Now, I'm running Net Barrier and Little Snitch - so don't know how I got someone else's iPod listings - I disconnected it immediately and turned off file sharing at the system preferences - but it freaked me out!

Anyone have a clue what happened?
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: rz
Date: October 30, 2006 10:28AM
You can share your tunes in iTunes. There's even a program that I know of that allows you to, uh, ahem, "borrow" songs from their library.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2006 10:29AM by rz.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: mattkime
Date: October 30, 2006 10:44AM
Net Barrier? Why?

Just because you saw someone else's info doesn't mean you're not properly locked down.

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Re: Weird question
Posted by: vicrock
Date: October 30, 2006 10:47AM
I guess my question is how I got on their network - or they on mine without any alerts?
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: mattkime
Date: October 30, 2006 11:02AM
you paid for internet access which is exactly the same as being on a public network. so did someone else. it must be a successful service.

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Re: Weird question
Posted by: jdc
Date: October 30, 2006 11:42AM
open iTunes >> preferences >> Sharing >> look for shared libraries

you can turn that off if you want -- or be cool and turn on "share my library" so Justin could have seen yours =)

and you had NOTHING to worry about.

my buddy who works in a large hospital says everyone has theirs on so they can all listen to each others music when they are at work -- great to sample other peeps stuff

i have also heard this being done at many free wifi and other (like college) wifi spots

you succumbed to the paranoia inflicted upon us mac users by windows peeps -- remember: there are NO viruses or spyware for the mac -- but windows users keep telling us "someday the sky will fall for you too!!!" and make us all get paranoid over nothing.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2006 11:43AM by jdc.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: Article Accelerator
Date: October 30, 2006 11:44AM
It's called iTunes music sharing. It uses Bonjour. You have complete control over it via iTunes Preferences.


I'm running Net Barrier and Little Snitch

...and Mac OS X's built-in firewall and when you're at home you connect via a hardware router?

It's hard to believe your Mac can communicate at all. I'd say you have some serious overkill there, vicrock...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2006 11:45AM by Article Accelerator.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: Joey Cupcakes
Date: October 30, 2006 12:25PM
I guess my question is how I got on their network - or they on mine without any alerts?

"Joshua" was obviously somewhere else in the airport on the same network and had his iTunes sharing enabled. His problem, not yours.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: tronnei
Date: October 30, 2006 02:30PM
A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. Opened iTunes on my computer and saw the library of neighbor kid. I scrolled through the list but didn't attempt to play any of them. It disappeared a few minutes later. I later told her about it later and she was amazed.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: October 30, 2006 02:58PM
A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. Opened iTunes on my computer and saw the library of neighbor kid. I scrolled through the list but didn't attempt to play any of them. It disappeared a few minutes later. I later told her about it later and she was amazed.

Then the neighbor kid was on your network. iTunes sharing does not work over the internet, only LANs (unless both of you have really old versions of iTunes). You need to be on the same subnet, i.e. the first three numbers in you IP address need to match. Not saying that it was deliberate. Probably just grabbed the first wireless signal it saw.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: vicrock
Date: October 30, 2006 03:02PM
Thanks all!
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: tronnei
Date: October 30, 2006 04:46PM
Lux Interior
A similar thing happened to me a few months ago. Opened iTunes on my computer and saw the library of neighbor kid. I scrolled through the list but didn't attempt to play any of them. It disappeared a few minutes later. I later told her about it later and she was amazed.

Then the neighbor kid was on your network. iTunes sharing does not work over the internet, only LANs (unless both of you have really old versions of iTunes). You need to be on the same subnet, i.e. the first three numbers in you IP address need to match. Not saying that it was deliberate. Probably just grabbed the first wireless signal it saw.

That's what I thought too, but she says they use dial-up and don't have a wireless computer. Don't know what to make of it.
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Re: Weird question
Posted by: mikebw
Date: October 31, 2006 02:34AM
You would both have to be running iTunes v 4.0 for internet sharing of music to work. Any versions after that were intentionally disabled for legal reasons.
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