Okay, I’m posting this here because I couldn’t find a non-ridiculous solution elsewhere on the internet and I don’t want people to follow the crazy cockoo instructions found elsewhere. So y’all can ignore this.
When working in SketchUp, I tried to preview the model in Google Earth, but it would cause Photoshop to open and report an error: Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file.
What’s happening is, SketchUp is making a file with the extension .kmz which is supposed to be opened by Google Earth. But for whatever reason, my Mac thinks Photoshop should be the default application for a kmz. This is not difficult to fix. In SketchUp, export a 3D kmz model, and save it someplace handy. Then find it in the Finder, and do a Get Info. Tell it to open with Google Earth or Google Earth Pro, and right under that drop down menu, click the button that says Change All... and from now on your mac will open your kmz files in Google Earth. Easy peasy.
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