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FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: November 15, 2006 04:19PM
I got a new IP addy two days ago but did not think anything of it. Then today I was downloading IE7 because I got tired of CNN not always play well with FireFox. I wish I could have had a video of me when I saw the speeds peak over 12,000 mbps. eye popping smiley eye popping smiley eye popping smiley

I can run two instances of [] and get over 6,200 kbps on each one but in the activity window the speed does not really reach a flatline at any certain rate like it used to. I am betting it will not last, but in the meantime, where can I test how fast my connection really is? I am guessing I need a fast FTP site with files over 60 mb in size to really get a good idea.

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: November 15, 2006 04:25PM
My biz class Comcast line at home will burst for 10 seconds at 2MB/sec. Then taper off to a pretty steady 800-900k/sec. But that initial 10 second burst is AWESOME. smiling smiley
And try

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: blusubaru
Date: November 15, 2006 04:38PM
Thanks For Rubbing It of YOU! smiling smiley
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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: November 15, 2006 04:56PM
Okay Jamie, it looks like my limitations are similar to yours. I got a reading of 12,957 mbps on the test--while I was downloading a 62 mb TIFF from NASA at 4,000 mbps ( on []). Running Speakeasy and two instances of (3,940, 12,382 and 7,368 respectively) got my rate to have a peak burst around 24,000 mbps for seven seconds before the 6 mbps cap kicked in. The TIFF takes 32 seconds just by itself.

It used to be that the largest file I could ever hope to download was about 75 mb with a 48 kbps modem connection and my old ISP limiting the connection time to 5 hours.

In tha 360. MRF User Map

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2006 04:59PM by Filliam H. Muffman.
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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: November 15, 2006 06:54PM
110 baud
TeleType, Paper Tape, 1969


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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: AllGold
Date: November 15, 2006 08:00PM
Comcast calls it Powerboost and it's available in most areas of the country now. If the bandwidth is available at the time, Powerboost will as much as double your download speed temporarily. It's not guaranteed nor is it a permanent upgrade. After a bit of continuous download, (30-60 seconds?) you will drop back to your rated speed.
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Re: FOIS speeds on Comcast? How fast is my cable now, or, I scoff your platry Speakeasy throughput test.
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: November 15, 2006 08:33PM
This site seems to be fairly reliable for very high speed tests: []

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