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Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: July 12, 2016 09:11AM
I woke up this morning to find both of our airport extremes in our house not working. Main one on network in the basement no lights. Second one wired as an extender on 1st floor no lights.

I have an extra power supply and tried that, no lights or sign of power.

I have extra base stations, tried all three power supplies and they all work on the extra base station.

Swapped in the extra base station and back up and running.

What do you think? Power surge? Lighting strike?

I have not found anything else YET that is not working.

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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: July 12, 2016 09:14AM
Just to add, no sign of power loss during the night.
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: billb
Date: July 12, 2016 09:22AM
WE had a lightning strike that must have travelled thru the Comcast coax and fried anything connected to ethernet or coax. The lights were on on the modem but no one was home. ( Comcast tech insisted it was fine ) The Two Teevees turned on but no signal. Lenovo tower was fried ( power supply and motherboard ). Airport Extreme and its power supply were fried.
All cables were OK.

The Phorum Wall keeps us safe from illegal characters and words
The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of one's own ignorance. -Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: July 12, 2016 11:23AM
Similar situation to billb's noted one, above.

Lost my first Airport Extreme to a lightning strike some years ago. Long story but, though the power supply was on a surge protector, the coax cable was not, and the spike traveled through it. Took out the modem and multiple other electronics in the house. (The PS3 but not the Xbox, the Bose speakers attached to my son's iMac but nothing else in that setup, the cordless phone (this was the situation that made me once-and-for-all drop my landline altogether).

All Macs were spared but my original Thunderbolt Display, in an ironic bit, was taken out by the strike.

So, yeah; my vote is for lightning strike.


That day, I set up an Airport Express to serve as the house's wireless conduit along with a purchased surfboard modem (to replace the fried one; I had long since kicked modem rental to the curb). I lucked out and got an Extreme (not Time Capsule) from Apple Refurb online. Looks like they're out again (there were Extremes for sale just yesterday); only Expresses (Expressi?) and Time Capsules available.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2016 11:26AM by Zoidberg.
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: July 12, 2016 12:30PM
.....I'm guessing if police officers were involved that the airport extremes were black.....???


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: July 12, 2016 01:18PM
Our DSL modem is fine which would seem unusual.
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: Speedy
Date: July 12, 2016 05:17PM
Got AppleCare?

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: BernDog
Date: July 13, 2016 05:29PM
I also had a lightning strike this spring that came in over the coax and killed everything connected via Ethernet and a couple other things. I can't imagine what would simultaneously take out two routers other than lightning or some similar line surge (except for just extremely bad luck...anything is technically possible).
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Re: Two dead airport extremes this morning
Posted by: goosegunner
Date: July 13, 2016 09:59PM
Update, We had a close lightning strike at 430 that morning. My brother lives about a 1/4 mile away and it woke his whole family. When he got up in the morning he found an area in a corn field next to his yard. It shredded some corn and threw dirt every where. There was a trench where it traveled in the ground.
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