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SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: freeradical
Date: November 18, 2016 04:27PM

Gerhard Richter

Robert RauschenBerg

"I can paint a canvas white"

Diego Rivera

"I invented the circle"

Anthony Hernandez

Street photography with a 5x7 camera.

Chuck Close

Andreas Gursky - a cibachrome print I believe

Pyongyang 1

Ellsworth Kelly

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2016 04:36PM by freeradical.
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics]
Posted by: hal
Date: November 18, 2016 04:33PM
This is a 10MB post - you might wanna post a warning

good stuff though...
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: 3d
Date: November 18, 2016 05:05PM
Unless that's a permanent installation,, how do they move that circle of rocks without messing up the positioning of the rocks? Unknown artist?
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: freeradical
Date: November 18, 2016 05:37PM
The sculpture was not permanent.

They also had some paintings that were painted on the walls. These too are not permanent. The artist writes a set of instructions for a painting, and someone else executes the painting. Eventually, the wall gets painted over with white paint, and the work (that version of it) is gone forever.
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: steve...
Date: November 18, 2016 09:24PM
Nice pictures but museums don't normally allow photography, do they?

Northern California Coast
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: freeradical
Date: November 18, 2016 11:19PM
Nice pictures but museums don't normally allow photography, do they?

Most do allow photography, but you can't use flash. Sometimes the non permanent shows are off limits to photography.
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: November 19, 2016 12:08AM
nice. Just caught an Irving Penn retrospective, but did no photos (ironically).

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: 3d
Date: November 19, 2016 05:12AM
The sculpture was not permanent.

They also had some paintings that were painted on the walls. These too are not permanent. The artist writes a set of instructions for a painting, and someone else executes the painting. Eventually, the wall gets painted over with white paint, and the work (that version of it) is gone forever.

So those rocks were not precisely replaced in the same exact position as the original creator artistically placed them? It's just a circle of rocks out of a wooden crate with a note that says, "Place these rocks in an 8-foot circle. Enjoy."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2016 05:16AM by 3d.
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: billb
Date: November 19, 2016 07:55AM
Nice pictures but museums don't normally allow photography, do they?

Depends on the museum. Some are just flash, some just got fed up with idjits that don't know how to shut flash off and some are protecting content. I've even had to pay a paparazzi tax.

The Phorum Wall keeps us safe from illegal characters and words
The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of one's own ignorance. -Benjamin Franklin
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: 3d
Date: November 19, 2016 04:30PM
Nice pictures but museums don't normally allow photography, do they?

Most do allow photography, but you can't use flash. Sometimes the non permanent shows are off limits to photography.

And,, No tripods. No self sticks.
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: vision63
Date: November 19, 2016 07:17PM
Nice. How'd you like the experience of the new facility?
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Re: SF MOMA [Pics] BW Warning
Posted by: freeradical
Date: November 20, 2016 10:25AM
It was nice; it has been quite awhile since I've been there.

The last show I saw in SF was the Bonnard exhibition at the Legion of Honor.
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