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I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: December 07, 2006 08:24AM

I find his intentions honorable, but we are getting sick from green onions in Taco Bell. I'd hate to see what a pi**ed-off Iraqi might do to these imported dates. I know, I'm being paranoid and that means more Iraqi dates for YOU to eat. smiling smiley


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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: h'
Date: December 07, 2006 09:00AM
After all this time you haven't figured out that there's a seperate forum for politically charged statements?

Also, have you stopped to think of how pathetic it is making big bold statements about the amazingly conscientious choices you make, while hiding behind a stupid anonymous nick and not having the balls to present yourself as a real person?

Thanks for listening.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2006 09:01AM by h'.
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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: December 07, 2006 09:05AM
sorry, I personally did not see this as political and we don't do the OT prefixes here in our year-old digs.

Do I get a demerit, school marm?

As for hiding, I have no intention to give anyone a name, phone, address - but I do make statements about my life that aside from knowing my name/phone/address, is about as personal as it gets. I don't see that as hiding. Unless one should open themselves up to actual, personal/ physical attacks by being naive on the interwebthingie.



Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2006 09:21AM by SteveJobs.
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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: incognegro
Date: December 07, 2006 09:26AM
Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: mattkime
Date: December 07, 2006 10:48AM
you're right. they'll have terrorist cooties!

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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: December 07, 2006 01:05PM
'tis the season to be jolly... la

OWC Larry
Other World Computing
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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: December 07, 2006 01:18PM
that was unexpected.


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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: billb
Date: December 07, 2006 02:07PM
Don we now our gay apparel

just spreading holiday cheer
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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: robfilms
Date: December 07, 2006 04:55PM
nice story

the underlying tale of being able to bridge gaps thru commerce is a hopeful endeavor that could well use planting in many corners of the globe.

and by the way, iraqi dates are great. i grew up in brooklyn, ny and the area that this story takes place is near a wide thoroughfare called, atlantic avenue. atlantic avenue has been the home of an arab marketplace community since the late 60s. breads, cakes, spices and dates were available back then when no one knew what hummus was. some great eats.


be well

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Re: I'll pass on eating food imported from Iraq
Posted by: h'
Date: December 08, 2006 12:00AM
Obviously Larry believes you're the real Steve Jobs.
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