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Apple options: now a criminal probe
Posted by: tronnei
Date: January 13, 2007 04:48PM
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Re: Apple options: now a criminal probe
Posted by: elmo3
Date: January 13, 2007 04:58PM
Corporations can't get away with things they used to. HP honestly thought they could get away with identity theft; shoot, in news reports they were quoted as saying, "It was just pretexting," as if to dismiss it as unimportant. And today we read in the paper that the lowest guy on the totem pole, an investigator, was thrown under the bus for felony counts of identity theft for what HP said was "just pretexting".

No, you can't dismiss behavior like this anymore.


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: Apple options: now a criminal probe
Posted by: spearmint
Date: January 13, 2007 05:02PM
"Apple maintains that neither Jobs, nor any of Apple's current management team, knew about the fake meeting and grant date." Yah sure. A couple of attornies dreamed this up all by their lonesome for no benefit to themselves.

Da Good Life

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2007 05:03PM by spearmint.
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