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Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: January 15, 2019 01:42PM
I want to set up an email account for my personal and business use (something like "", with maybe 5 or so different addresses, all to that same domain (which I will purchase).

Any thoughts on who would be good?

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Re: Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: clay
Date: January 15, 2019 02:02PM
Your primary choices are gmail or fast mail, for about $50/year per address. Or rackspace email, which starts at $2/month per email address.

The other option would be to get a web hosting plan for $5-$10/month and have as many email accounts as can fit in that space.
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Re: Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: January 15, 2019 02:47PM

Not going with gmail--they're privacy vampires.

Webhosting could be good; any recommendations?

Some folks seem to like A2 for email hosting. Anybody familiar with them?
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Re: Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: clay
Date: January 15, 2019 02:56PM
Yup, A2 is great. Used them personally and for clients for going on 10 years. They're one of the good ones. Let me know if you have any questions that I could answer.
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Re: Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: Robert M
Date: January 15, 2019 03:12PM

Fastmail combined with your own domain. Fastmail lets you use its own servers for the email configuration and then you can create aliases for any number of email address. Super easy.

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Re: Who do we like for email hosting
Posted by: wurm
Date: January 15, 2019 03:59PM
I agree with clay. Just get a hosting plan. With most of them, you can create as many email addresses as you want and set each one up accordingly. As you mentioned, you'll need to purchase a domain, but after that it should be pretty straightforward. I've been very happy with Host Mantis as a web host for my freelance business. It's cheap and it's been very reliable for me. (And yes, that's a referral link.)
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