I've been thinking about the same and your post spurred me into researching option. The short answer seems to be "no, there is not a direct mac compatible oximeter."
There is also a workaround that I found posted on an Apnea forum. It doesn't sound like the most elegant of solutions, especially if the user isn't tech savvy. - here is a direct cut and paste of that procedure:
I bought a Contec CMS 50F v3.5 quite some time ago and downloaded the recommended drivers but could not get it to work.
Sleepyhead would not even recognise it.
Then I found pholynyk's post and downloaded the driver from Silicon Labs.
Bingo !
But be sure to select the correct model when you click on Oximeter in Sleepyhead or it - again - will not work.
The controls on the CMS-50F are finicky - you can only scroll down the menus and sometimes it is difficult for YES/NO options to register and often need 2-3 attempts.
Apart from that everything works fine.
I have a desktop 27 iMac macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
p.s. The operating instructions for the Contec CMS 50-F are pathetic.
Strap the unit to your wrist...place the sensor on your finger...go to the CMS menu select RECORD - it will ask you to confirm YES?NO? (Be sure it registers - it might take 2 even 3 attempts. It it takes the menu will then show RECORD_ON.
To recover the data and show in Sleepyhead :
Use the USB cable (supplied) and plug it into your Mac.
Click the Oximetry icon on the Sleepyhead screen.
The Oximeter Import Wizard screen opens.
Ensure you have the correct model set in the menu that presents on your Mac ...there are 3 choices.
On the wrist oximeter unit scroll down to UPLOAD and select ON.
The Oximeter Import Wizard screen on your Mac will change to downloading.
It is a good idea to have the wrist oximeter menu ready for selection before you open the Oximeter Import Wizard download screen as it will time out if you take more than a few seconds to select UPLOAD -ON on the wrist oximeter.
When you go back to the main Sleepyhead presentation you will see SPO2 box timelined with all the other data
The Oximeter referenced in that procedure is
$81 from Amazon
I'm still leaning towards the
sleeptuner and using my iPhone. I wish it would import to my Mac, but hopefully, that will come along eventually
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"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias
The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late