More sunlight leads to a thicker skin, perhaps as an adaptation to keep the inside from losing moisture due to evaporation and/or transpiration?
When I was a kid my stepdad off and on grew tomato plants in the back yard, but since he never grew any varieties I liked I never took an active role in their care.
WARNING- If I posted a link in the above message, assume it is at minimum "NSFW- Language". Occasionally you'll be wrong.
Lie to me if you must, but don't lie to me
and insult my intelligence in the same sentence.
Resist the Thought Police: George Orwell's book
1984 was meant as a warning, not an instruction manual.
"Political correctness is just intellectual colonialism and psychological fascism for the creation of thought crime" - Steve Hughes
What's my "Super Power"? I can make active threads go stone-dead with a single post. I
try to use this power only for good and not for evil but, you know... stuff happens.