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$400 keyboard
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 28, 2019 07:13PM
I have some guys at work that make their own keyboards, or buy really high end keyboards made by 72 virgins in Nepal, during Solar Eclipse. Seriously, I have seen keyboards that sell for $399 and I assume tax and shipping bring those over $400.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: hal
Date: September 28, 2019 07:18PM
I assume that you are talking about musical instruments - otherwise, this makes no sense.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: September 28, 2019 07:26PM

When computers were expensive we used to buy high quality and expensive keyboards.
Now that computers are dirt cheap, few people want to spend money on a quality keyboard (despite it being a vital component to productivity and ease of use).
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 28, 2019 07:33PM
I assume that you are talking about musical instruments - otherwise, this makes no sense.

computer keyboards.

Those $3-400 ones are retails, some make their own.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2019 07:55AM by space-time.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 28, 2019 07:36PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2019 07:36PM by space-time.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: roshi
Date: September 28, 2019 08:04PM
For the last 20 years I have used the $400 Kinesis Advantage. That's what I touch all day.


I spend a couple of hundred dollars more and have USB foot pedals.

I think it is crazy for people who use keyboards all day to NOT have footpedals


It's like driving a car. Why would you want the accelerator and brake to be finger controls? It is a joy to offload some of the repetitive motions onto my feet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2019 08:05PM by roshi.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 28, 2019 09:13PM
Holey schnikey, I may have to put mine up for sale....

Looks like the venerable Logitech DiNovo Edge Mac Edition Wireless KB has more than held its own, value-wise. It worked great when using w/ Mac Mini and living room TV until downsizing 3 - 4 years ago, unused since.

Actually, still drooling over the Optimus Maximus OLED customizable keyboard

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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: September 28, 2019 10:17PM
should have a Steinway attached
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: September 28, 2019 10:32PM
For the last 20 years I have used the $400 Kinesis Advantage. That's what I touch all day.


I spend a couple of hundred dollars more and have USB foot pedals.

I think it is crazy for people who use keyboards all day to NOT have footpedals


It's like driving a car. Why would you want the accelerator and brake to be finger controls? It is a joy to offload some of the repetitive motions onto my feet.

What do you use the foot pedals for?

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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: September 29, 2019 10:31AM
After much noodling about, I landed on the Kinesis Freestyle 2 for Mac some years back. Been my go-to daily driver for years. The company I work for will let me buy a new board from time to time so I'll replace it with the same model, and pass this one along to family/friends or (I think) sell here.

FWIW, there's never a usability issue, nor any fading of keys (surprisingly), though I do tend to wear a bit of the area where my hands rest. Ball of my hand? Good thing I didn't type "where my balls rest".

Very happy with it, though I hear the siren song of other & much more expensive boards from time to time.

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Re: $400 keyboard - footpedals
Posted by: roshi
Date: September 29, 2019 12:32PM
Any command I find myself doing a lot, and my hands get tired, I toss to the ground - give it to the footpedals.

Page up Page down is good, that lets me scroll through long texts and rest my hands.

If I can put my hands in my lap for even one second, it lets blood flow resume and prevents fatigue. It does not seem to be the "repetitive motion" that makes my hands sore as much as holding them suspended, waiting to enter the next command.
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Re: $400 keyboard - footpedals
Posted by: hal
Date: September 29, 2019 12:40PM
It does not seem to be the "repetitive motion" that makes my hands sore as much as holding them suspended, waiting to enter the next command.

I agree - not just the hands and fingers, but the arm/shoulder is affected as well. I don't work on a keyboard as hard as you do so a $400 keyboard and a foot pedal still seem over the top to me, but that's just me... I get that issue hovering over my trackpad, so I rest often as I work.
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Re: $400 keyboard - footpedals
Posted by: hal
Date: September 29, 2019 12:40PM
It does not seem to be the "repetitive motion" that makes my hands sore as much as holding them suspended, waiting to enter the next command.

I agree - not just the hands and fingers, but the arm/shoulder is affected as well. I don't work on a keyboard as hard as you do so a $400 keyboard and a foot pedal still seem over the top to me, but that's just me... I get that issue hovering over my trackpad, so I rest often as I work.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: roshi
Date: September 29, 2019 01:25PM
I'm a writer, and a 400 page book in print is 600 manuscript pages, and at times I need to scroll through the whole thing and edit here and there. Having the footpedals on the floor is SO GREAT at those times.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: tronnei
Date: September 29, 2019 10:36PM
My son builds keyboards.

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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: September 30, 2019 06:18AM
When I was a kid I used to build keyboards that only typed in lower case.
I was shiftless.
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 30, 2019 07:53AM
My son builds keyboards.

That is very interesting. Any details about hardware and also about those characters?
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Re: $400 keyboard
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 30, 2019 07:54AM
please ignore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2019 07:55AM by space-time.
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