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OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: dan steinberg
Date: December 02, 2019 09:40PM
Seeking advice from the car gurus out there, I have read some posts on the Honda Odyssey forums but wanted to check with the knowledgable folks here too.

Our 5 year old Honda minivan is ready for its first new set of tires. We will be driving the car in Washington DC area so some months of snow. Most driving will be in city traffic, with occasional weekend getaways onto the countryside/ freeways / back roads of the area.

We are currently living (stationed) in Hawaii and want to get the new tires put on the vehicle here, before the car goes on the shipping boat to DC next week, so that:

-We have new tires on the car when we pick it up and there is possibly snow on the road

-Don't take the chance of vehicle shipment company rejecting car because tire tread is too low or sidewalls have too many cracks from 5 years of sunshine

I am flexible with the tire budget and am willing to spend more for quality, safety, reduced road noise, etc.

The 2 most mainstream options I knew to look into here on Oahu were Discount Tire and Costco.

Discount Tire’s In Stock Options:
A-Goodyear Assurance All Season:
$720 for all 4 tires mounted / balanced

B-Toyo Proxis ST3
$800 for all 4 tires mounted / balanced

Costco’s In Stock Options
A-Bridgestone Dueler Alenza
$712 for all 4 tires mounted / balanced

Michelin Premiere LTX
$716 for all 4 tires mounted / balanced

I would very much appreciate any thoughts from all the gurus/experts/motorheads here about the above 4 options. Due to waiting until the last minute, I don't think I have time to order other models from Tire Rack and have them shipped here for installation, as I know people do often.

In terms of future visits to the tire vendor for flats/rebalancing/rotations, etc, there are multiple Costcos where I will be living, but no discount Tire Center locations.

However, I am not as concerned about that, if you all feel that the Goodyear or the Toyo are a better way to go, vs the Bridgestone or the Michelin.

Thanks very much in advance!
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: December 02, 2019 09:44PM
Vredestein All Weather Quattro. I have these on a fwd car now and they are GREAT. We had first snowfall today and they are handling it very, very well. I bought them because they are superb in the rain, but also have good dry handling. Buy them, you will not regret it, although they are slightly more noisy than some all seasons.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: mattkime
Date: December 02, 2019 09:47PM has pretty good reviews for almost all makes and models of tires. Worth reading even if you're not buying through them.

IMO, you've probably already gotten the best advice from the forum specific to your car. Combine that with reading reviews on tire rack and you should be very happy.

Enjoy your trip to the mainland!

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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: deckeda
Date: December 02, 2019 09:52PM
If those Dueler Alenza's are anything like the ones that came stock on my old Element (probably not?) I'd steer clear. Wore fast.

I remember when Assurance was a good tire but it's been too many years since I've driven them. Tripletred or something was the next step up at the time I think.

I remain a Michelin fan. Not familiar with those Toyos.

Keep in mind you can still shop them at Tire Rack for a vague consensus of reviews and specs ratings. And then buy the Michelins anyway. ;)
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: space-time
Date: December 02, 2019 11:07PM
I always buy my tires at Costco.
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: dan steinberg
Date: December 02, 2019 11:18PM
Thanks everyone for the feedback so far, please keep it coming smiling smiley

At the moment I am leaning towards Costco since their list of benefits for return visits is impressive and it would be nice to take advantage of that.

Between the two models Costco offers, I did read some positive users of the Michelin Premiere LTX, as used on an Odyssey.

Also, this is not a huge deal but I think the Costco price might be about $150 less than the guy on the phone was quoting, I think he was forgetting some Michelin promotional discounts they are doing right now.

Having said that, if a bunch of people had strong opinions in favor of any of the 4 brands mentioned above I am eager to hear it.

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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: Carm
Date: December 03, 2019 03:40AM
I have found that SamClub beats everyone when their tires are on sale. No extra fees and if your tires aren't in stock , they will order them. Check their website out.
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: Randalls
Date: December 03, 2019 04:31AM
I have the Michelin’s on my 2016 Odyssey and they do a good job. Costco service is usually very good
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: December 03, 2019 08:20AM

I would get round tires.

I have learned from hard experience.
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: JPK
Date: December 03, 2019 09:37AM
FYI I don't buy Goodyear or Michelin anymore. You pay too much for the brand. Plus I had Michelin PAX run flats on our Honda Ody and they were the worst tires I ever had. Wore out within 25k miles, cost $1400 to replace and were fitted to proprietary sized wheels. Ended up getting new wheels & tires for less money. Totally turned me off of Michelin & Honda.

I currently have Bridgestone Dueler Alenza on my Avalanche now with almost 90,000 (yes I said 90k) and tread is still good! Starting to get some side wear and cracking so I have bought a set of Cooper Discoverer SRX and will be having them put on next week.

This is my 3rd set of Cooper and have had very good luck and they are priced right.

Good luck.

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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: FormerlySaleenl
Date: December 03, 2019 10:26AM
We got these for our Odyssey from Costco last fall and so far so good: []
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: wowzer
Date: December 03, 2019 05:30PM
I get costco tires because they have the best service after the purchase. I've gotten michelins because of the good reviews and durability.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: OT: Seeking tire recommendations for Honda Odyssey Minivan
Posted by: Maddog
Date: December 04, 2019 02:00PM
I would agree with the advice to take the easy button and go to Costco. They will treat you right and you will be close to the best on price. I would just make sure you are putting a "touring" tire on your van. These will be much more ride friendly on that car.
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