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Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 10:37PM
Hi! After careful consideration of pros and cons of both the Pismo and Ti Book my 78 year old Dad recently purchased a 667mhz DVI Ti Book. It came with OS 10.3 installed. He inserted the 9.2.1 Install CD and restarted his Mac with the C key held down. It booted to a happy Mac and a "Welcome to Mac OS" message. Shortly after this it displayed a "system error" message and encouraged him to restart with all extensions turned off. A second attempt yielded the same result. According to LowEndMac his computer should be able to boot into OS 9.2.1. Is this correct? Could the CD be bad? Is MegaMacs the only reseller that has a OS 9.2 install CD available? Thanks for any constructive suggestions. Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Refurbvirgin
Date: January 19, 2006 10:42PM
Holding down the shift key when booting turns extensions off.

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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 10:54PM
Refurbvirgin, thanks for the post. Yes, I realize that the shift key will turn off extensions but when booting from a Mac Install CD I don't think that should be necessary and wonder if it is even possible. I would think that turning off the extensions on the install CD would ruin the install. Thanks, Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 11:06PM
I do know that some G4 Macs required OS 9.2.2. Could LowEndMac's listing be wrong? What about making a disk image of the CD and attempting an install from the disk image? Thanks for your help! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 19, 2006 11:08PM
Was this the TiBooks install disc?
If it isn't, it won't start it up.
You'll need a TiBook install disc, or a retail disc.
Nothing else will work.

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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Refurbvirgin
Date: January 19, 2006 11:11PM
That machine came with OS9 installed, and was perhaps upgraded to 9.2.2 at one point in its history. Is it possible remnants of that system still are on the hard disk, and the machine won't let you install an older OS, or did you initialize the drive before installing OSX? I take it you didn't get System Restore disks with it? Hmm. I got nuthin'. Sorry!

Tried zapping the PRam and rebuilding the desktop?
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 11:12PM
BigGuynRusty, thanks for the reply. The CD is a OS 9.2.1 install CD that I received with my OS 10.2 Educator pack directly from Apple. Would I be correct in assuming that this would be the the same as a "retail" install disc? Thanks! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: January 19, 2006 11:17PM
davec Wrote:
> BigGuynRusty, thanks for the reply. The CD is a OS
> 9.2.1 install CD that I received with my OS 10.2
> Educator pack directly from Apple. Would I be
> correct in assuming that this would be the the
> same as a "retail" install disc? Thanks! Dave

Yep, those are universal install discs.
BUT, according to MacTracker, it needs 9.2.2.
I believe MacTracker.

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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 11:17PM
My Dad's Ti Book was purchased from Wegener Media. The person he spoke to stated that the drive was wiped before the OS 10.3 install. What is frustrating was that my Dad asked for a OS 9.2 install as a condition of the purchase. Wegener Media agreed they would do this for him and stated that they added it to his order request. Wegener Media obviously didn't follow through! He is planning to call them tomorrow and ask for their help too. I am concerned if they will help him. Thanks for the posts! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 11:19PM
Thanks BigGuynRusty! That would certainly explain the problem installing OS 9.2.1! If Wegener doesn't come through for him is the only source for 9.2.2 install disks MegaMacs? Thanks for all of your help! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: January 19, 2006 11:44PM
I kinda remember some of the stuff used to have to deal with with OS 9.

Why, not sure. But not worth arguing about. smiling smiley

Do hold the shift key down when you boot the OS 9.2.1 install disk. The Ti667 originally came with a prior OS and Wegner didn't include that version.

Holding the shift key down during the boot of the install disc will NOT cause any issue with the actual OS 9.2.1 install.

After OS 9.2.1 is installed, you can then update via download to 9.2.2.

I remember also having to hold the shift key down - EVEN WITH A RETAIL OS 9.x disc - to install on some systems. This goes back a few years, but trust me - it was no big deal and the install proceeds after extensions off system CD boot without any issues at all.

OWC Larry
Other World Computing
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 19, 2006 11:55PM
Thanks Larry! I sincerely appreciate your advice! Which approach should I suggest? Should he select the install CD from the Start Up Disk preference and then hold down the shift key when restarting or will holding the C key and Shift key together? Does it matter? I will certainly have my Dad follow your advice! Larry, I hope you have a great evening....and morning! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: MacMagus
Date: January 20, 2006 12:12AM
> or will holding the C key and Shift key together?

Hold down the C key and as soon as the Happy Mac shows up, switch to the <Shift> key.
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: incognegro
Date: January 20, 2006 08:37AM
hold the spacebar on startup, then when the Extensions Manager pops up, select OS 9.2.1 ALL and resume. if it boots OK, it's a 3rd party extension or control panel.

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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Refurbvirgin
Date: January 20, 2006 09:59AM
So... I was right, and you suck up to Larry. Hmmph.

Don't select the install disk as your Startup Disk. I forget what I had to get out of that cycle. Maybe your buddy Larry can help with that one if you go there.

Just kidding, Larry. Love your forum. You're a gentleman and a scholar.

(Two can play this suckup game)


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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 20, 2006 10:16AM
Hey Refurbvirgin, sorry! I'm just showing my very limited Mac knowledge. (I've got so much to learn!). Certainy I intended no disrespect. Thanks for your advice on not selecting the install CD as the startup disk. That saved us a bunch of future headaches I am sure. Thank you for the tip Macmagus we will follow your suggestion. I really appreciate all of the help (and your patience)! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: January 20, 2006 11:17AM
The original 667MHz TiG4 shipped with OS 9.1. The updted 667 with the DVI port shipped with 9.2.

so - 9.2.1 will work on either.

And think I agreed - boot the install CD with extensions off (hold the shift key). Then you should have no problem doing the installation of 9.2.1 and further no feature/function lost from having booted with extensions disabled during the install. Further - after installing, you will be able to boot 9.2.x normal from the hard drive you install it on (assuming that is the intent).

I might be missing something from the thread... but I think that covers it. Doesn't matter if boot the install CD by holding the C key or by selecting the CD as the startup disc... but - I'd use the C key so it's not always looking for that CD to startup from first after all is said and done... of course can just change the startup disk control panel again too...

OWC Larry
Other World Computing
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: January 20, 2006 11:18AM
Hey - from the post before my last...

is all good to go and installed now? Looks like it - so a-OK. smiling smiley

OWC Larry
Other World Computing
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Refurbvirgin
Date: January 20, 2006 01:24PM
(Sniff) I'm OK. I just need to be alone for awhile.

OK - all better now. I recall setting the startup disk to the cd, then having an awful time getting the CD out. As I recall holding the mouse button down while booting ejects it, or else you can use the straightened paper clip (does the powerbook have that little hole by the drive slot?)

Good luck!
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Refurbvirgin
Date: January 20, 2006 01:25PM
ps: only use the paper clip when the machine is shut down and the disk is no longer spinning.
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 20, 2006 01:29PM
Living hundreds of miles away from my folks delays progress a lot. I will be calling my Dad and sharing the comments and suggestions this evening. I know he will be impressed the all of the help we have received! I will post the results. Thanks again! Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 20, 2006 08:52PM
Darn! In spite of all the helpful suggestions posted here we were not successful in installing OS 9.2.1 on my Dad's new Titanium Powerbook. He was able to boot from the CD and was able to turn all extensions off by holding down the shift key. Moments after the Welcome to Mac OS "Extensions Off" appeared he received a "system error has occurred" with the recommendation to turn off all extensions.

As I mentioned Wegener Media, as a condition of the sale, had agreed to install OS 9.2 prior to shipping the Powerbook to him. When they failed to do this I did send him a copy (Yes, I realize the legal implications) of my OS 9.2.1 install CD. The only conclusion I can reach is that my copy was bad. Tonight I did burn another copy (backup copy) for myself and when attempting to boot from the CD had a hard freeze. In the past I have made, and used back up copies of Mac OS Install CDs without any problem! I'm not sure what I am screwing up.

The two options I gave my Dad was to call Wegener Media and insist they honor the condition of the sale and ship a OS 9.2.1 Install CD to him, or to purchase an install CD from MegaMacs.

Rats! In spite of the outcome I do sincerely appreciate everyones help! I hope you all have a great weekend. Dave
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: Speedy
Date: January 21, 2006 09:17AM
Some retail versions of OS 9.2.1 will not boot or install on computers requiring 9.2.1. You need to use the original installer disks that came with the computer.
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Re: Ti Book 667mhz OS 9.2.1 install problem
Posted by: davec
Date: January 21, 2006 01:22PM
Speedy, thanks for your reply. As I mentioned earlier, my Dad purchased this Ti Book used from Wegener Media. It did not come with the original OS install CDs. As a condition of the sale they were to install OS 9.2. The tech person my Dad talked with said there would be no problem with doing this install and from what I have read OS 9.2.2 or 9.2.1 Full Install CDs should work with his new Powerbook. I am hoping that Wegener Media will keep their word and send a Full Install CD out to him. I do know there were some machine specific OS install CDs that will not work. Thanks for your post. Dave
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