Anonymouse1: "I'd like something interesting and involving at work."
Universe: "Here's the highest profile court case {Employer} has had in decades!"
Anonymouse1: "Grunt! Strain! UGGHH!! Ahh, got it done."
Universe: "Did you say interesting? Here are two other urgent projects to work on!"
Anonymouse1: "Wha? (SNORT! CAFFEINE! BANGING OF HEAD THROUGH WALL.) Ok, I guess that's pretty much..."
Universe: "Wakey, wakey, pal. That high profile case that you have just barely under control, right? You did say "involving", right?
Anonymouse1: (wiping blood and gypsum dust from head) "Actually, if it's ok with you..."
Universe "Yay! Kazaam! Zap! The workload for your high profile case has just TRIPLED! No time extension, of course...."|
Anonymouse1: "Well, I actually think I can manage that by working in person with the document custodians, looking over their shoulder as we work together on their computer, if I...."
Minus some highly interesting details that are probably too personal to share here, that's what's going on.