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Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: JoeM
Date: February 12, 2007 03:29PM
We have been very lucky here in Jersey, so far this year as far as snow goes, so I have not gotten around to pulling out the snow blower - until yesterday and , of course, the engine wouldn't turn over.

It's 2 years old, not a lot of use so far and gas was drained at the end of last year. I replaced the spark plug but still no luck. I'm thinking gunk in the carb but don't know what else I can try.

Any suggestion?



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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: February 12, 2007 03:34PM
old mechanic's tricks abound.
1- When the spark plug is out, plug the spark lead back into the plug. Ground the plug to the blower. Pull the handle. See a little spark ?
2- When you pulled the handle on #1, did it pull easily ?
3- Put a few drops of gasoline into the spark plug hole. Put the plug back in. Pull the handle. Was there a little kaboom ?
4- Put a few drops of gasoline into the air intake (pull the air filter). Did you get ignition ?

Gunk in the carb can be cleaned by gumout, or just running some gas through it using method #4.
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: mattkime
Date: February 12, 2007 04:03PM

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: February 12, 2007 04:34PM
mak, that's just cruel.

joe- note also that a little bit of 2 in 1 oil in the plug hole can also cure some ills. Check the oil if it's a 4 stroke. And be prepared to yank that sucker until your arm falls off. I had, at one point, made a tool from a spark plug socket and a socket extension that chucked into an electric drill to crank the engine on a lawnmower. Worked like a charm when I injured my arm and couldn't yank the handle.

On another note:

Best bit of front yard advertising I've ever seen:
An older snowblower sitting in the middle of a snowcovered front yard with a "FOR SALE $200" sign on it. The snow in the yard showed a nice cleared path where he had driven the snowblower along. I loved it- it answered any question anyone could every have about the machine. I wish I'd taken a picture of it. It was a classic.
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: February 12, 2007 04:38PM
> I'm thinking gunk in the carb but don't know what else I can try

If that Craftsman has a 3 to 4 HP (like a 3.5) Tecumseh 4 stroke engine and it's built in the last couple of years
then I would bet money that it indeed a gummed carb and you might as well as replace it. (the carb)

I have a similar one and after 3 years and religious storage procedure it varnished up anyway.
Against the advice of my trusted counter guys at my parts place (Kohler, B&S etc...)
I rebuilt mine twice and it still wouldn't run correctly (I was warned it wouldn't)

The cheap carb they used didn't allow a full rebuild because it wasn't designed to be rebuilt
It's a throw away - they told me two or three years average before they failed and I should
just replace it with the upgraded one for $55 (carb only)

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: Schpark
Date: February 12, 2007 06:07PM
While this may not help your immediate problem, running some Seafoam through the fuel system helped me get an older MTD snowblower running well from barely running.

I also put some in the crankcase per the instructions and one of the two areas or the combination got it running like a champ.

This year I had trouble starting a 3-4 year old Ariens (5.5HP Tecumseh) even with electric start. The fuel wasn't drained but was stabilized (if I can belive the friend I bought it from). After a long time cranking I did what cbelt mentioned with the plug; good spark so I put some starting fluid in the hole but no go. (starting fluid was pretty old) , added fresh gas, drained the carb a bit, and repeated a few times and got it running. I later found the manual that recommended run the fuel tank dry and did not mention stabilizing the fuel.

Good luck
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: February 12, 2007 06:28PM
In 99% of cases I would agree about the Seafoam and I do run it in a couple older
Deere 200 series lawn tractors and it does a great job. That was the first thing I tried in my
Craftsman blower and it was still a no go. Can't hurt to try but I'm still betting money on
the crappy Walbo's they put on these (again - if it is the Tecumseh 4 stroke)

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: Dakota
Date: February 12, 2007 07:28PM
I am west of Phily and it seems like snow has fizzled. As for your snowblower, I have never drained the gas or put additives in the gas tank of anything I have, lawnmower, snowblower or motorcycle and have never had problems. My solution to slow starting small engines is starting fluid. Works every time. Try it before doing anything drastic.
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: billb
Date: February 12, 2007 08:15PM
Aside fron checking for spark.
Checking for a fuel shut-off (I usually forget about mine the first time)
Checking for gas at the plug (should smell like gas if pulled out right after cranking)
Checking switch and/or safety switches,

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: h'
Date: February 12, 2007 08:38PM
Beat me to the punch.

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: JoeM
Date: February 12, 2007 08:46PM
Thanks everybody, there is some really good advice here so I will save and print out this whole thread to try what you've suggested. BTW, I have an electric start which is helpful as I'm rehabing a torn rotator cuff and it is a 5 HP engine.

mattkime, LMAO and yes you are soooo cruel smiling smiley

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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: February 12, 2007 09:58PM
That shovel isn't going to work very well with the handle severed.
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: billb
Date: February 12, 2007 10:13PM
That's the new 'no back strain' model.
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Re: Ugh! Snow coming - and my snow blower won't start!
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: February 13, 2007 12:19AM
lux, that shovel was made 'just like the drawing'. (you know the old toolmaker's joke..)
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