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How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: May 26, 2020 04:35PM
I’ve been experiencing sudden onset temporal headaches for almost 50 years (since I got punched there and had a Class III concussion). Lately they are increasing in frequency. I’ve had Scans and nobody can find anything. So I need to take data. Lots of data (*)

And I’m trying to find a way to record them on my handy iPhone. But all the headache tracking apps ask a gazillion questions. All I want to do is push a shortcut and record time and date. And then analyze later.

I’ve rigged up a shortcut that just saves a note with the date and time that says “Ow !”. But I have to click “done”, which is annoying.

Is there anything I’m missing that I should try ?

(*) also collecting diet and BP and blood sugar and Pulse Ox.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: hal
Date: May 26, 2020 04:40PM
Since I only get headaches when I'm sick or dehydrated, I'd suggest making sure you're hydrated.

good luck...
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: May 26, 2020 04:55PM
How do you want to analyze the data later?

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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Carm
Date: May 26, 2020 05:00PM
Headaches or Migraines?
I suffer from migraines. I can feel them coming, imitrez helps (not as good as Tylenol Migraine).
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: bazookaman
Date: May 26, 2020 05:49PM
Not what you want to hear, but I've been using Notes to track my incidents of vertigo/dizziness/nausea. I type in the date and for how long and anything else that happened. The doc said it was great that I'd started recording the info. But its nothing "formal".

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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: S. Pupp
Date: May 26, 2020 05:57PM
I've tried various apps, but have had the same problem with too much info being requested. If I could focus enough to enter all that info, I wouldn't need to do so.

Like bazookaman, I used Notes, until I could no longer find that app (let alone figure out how to use my phone at all) during the haze of a migraine. At that point, I resorted to paper and pen. That's what I still use.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: May 26, 2020 06:08PM
I’ve had Scans and nobody can find anything.

I'll let this go without comment.

My wife suffers from frequent headaches that also trace back to a concussion. Very similar situation to yours. She tracked everything for six months and found no discernable pattern other that she could tell us a week in advance when a storefront was coming.

I also learned very quickly that I was not to refer to her MRI's as echo sounding or I would suffer from a frying pan induced headache.

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The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: May 26, 2020 06:10PM
What about graph paper and break the hours into 15-minute increments? Fill them in like bowling scores.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Carm
Date: May 26, 2020 06:14PM
How about spreadsheet on phone. Info can be easily analyzed after entering.
Numbers or Excel

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2020 06:17PM by Carm.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: The UnDoug
Date: May 26, 2020 07:16PM
Just Googled "migraine tracker app," and there appear to be many that are designed for tracking headaches of any kind (i.e. not just migraines).

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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Diana
Date: May 26, 2020 08:48PM
I use iCal as it is easy and available. I have created a calendar for the topic and it allows me to put a start and stop time (if known). This way when I talk to my doctor I can display only that calendar and thus tell how frequent they are. It isn’t optimal. The problem with Notes is that I tend to collect a LOT of odd stuff that gets put into it, making it hard to find the specific events.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: S. Pupp
Date: May 26, 2020 09:30PM
I use iCal as it is easy and available. I have created a calendar for the topic and it allows me to put a start and stop time (if known).

Great idea.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: May 26, 2020 10:27PM
imo, go lo-fi. paper and pencil.
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Re: How to track headache incidents ?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: May 26, 2020 10:39PM
So, you already played with Siri shortcuts?

I just played with it: Made a new note in the Notes app with "Headaches" as the first line and a couple of line-feeds afterwards.

Made a new shortcut called "Mark my headache" with steps:
1. Open Notes app
2. Find all notes where name contains Headaches
3. Notes > Show notes
4. Date
5. Append Date to Notes

Now, I can hold up my phone and say "Hey Siri, mark my headache" and the date/time will be recorded in the Headaches note.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2020 10:40PM by Sarcany.
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