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"There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 10, 2020 03:17PM
This is weird. My wife, daughter and myself are an Apple "family." We each have our own Apple IDs and we each have separate 50GB iCloud storage plans. However, they're all billed to the same debit card – mine. The card is fine, it expires in 2023 and I use it all the time and there's money in my checking account. Today my wife gets the message in the subject above – just her, not my daughter or me (I notice we are all billed at different times).

I thought it was a phishing scam but this alert showed up as a notification on my wife's iPad and iPhone – it wasn't an email or text message. When I log into my wife's iCloud account I see my debit card shown as the payment method but there's no way I can see to update or change it even if I wanted to!

Does anyone have a clue as to what might be going on? Thanks!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2020 06:13PM by reezekeys.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: testcase
Date: August 10, 2020 03:45PM
Sounds like somebody IS phishing. I'd call the Apple Toll Free Customer Service line and play 20 questions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2020 03:47PM by testcase.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: p8712
Date: August 10, 2020 04:00PM
Phishing. Look at the Email address that sent the message. I’ve gotten the same message before but no issue on my account.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 10, 2020 04:19PM
Come on guys. I appreciate that anyone is taking the time to reply and try to help, but why not read my whole message?

"I thought it was a phishing scam but this alert showed up as a notification on my wife's iPad and iPhone – it wasn't an email or text message."

Are scammers able to hack an iDevice like this? Besides, I also mentioned in my original post that I can't update the payment method anyway - at least not in any way I can see. Tapping "update payment" brings me to where my debit card is displayed but tapping on that does nothing. All I can do on that page is update a shipping address!

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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: AllGold
Date: August 10, 2020 04:31PM
I don't know what to tell you. Apple payment has always seemed a little weird to me. My iCloud payment would show up in my bank account, then disappear from the account for a couple days before magically showing again.

I just went to my payment details and it had a message in red about verifying the payment method. dunno smiley
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 10, 2020 05:06PM
Well, my Apple account has been smooth sailing for a long time - at least a few years – and I never saw anything like this except maybe once when my debit card was replaced with one that had a different number. I think I actually got an email from Apple then. I don't understand what's going on but I guess I'll hope for the best that this is a glitch of some kind and will resolve itself. From recent experience, tech support everywhere has taken a big hit and I'm not game to start down that road unless we're in danger of having her iCloud photos nuked or something similar. I was hoping someone here had received this what-seems-to-be-bogus alert from Apple and had dealt with it. I guess not.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: August 10, 2020 07:15PM
Tried it from her Mac?

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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: August 11, 2020 12:00PM
Phishing or no, the best advice is still I'd call the Apple Toll Free Customer Service line and play 20 questions.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

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When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

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by believing all possible evil of evil men.

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And hope is a lousy defense.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2020 12:00PM by RAMd®d.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 11, 2020 01:06PM
OK I'm on hold with Apple.

In the meantime I looked at the iCloud settings for my wife's iPad. In "Storage" it says 9.1GB of 50GB used. When I tap "Manage Storage" I see where I can "Change Storage Plan." The current plan is displayed as 50GB, yet when I tap to "upgrade", I'm on a new page where it says the current plan is 5GB, and I can update to the 50GB plan for .99/month. Color me confused.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2020 01:07PM by reezekeys.
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 11, 2020 01:33PM
Just got off the phone with Apple. They did a screen share with the iPad and we went through a few things including restarting the iPad. No change, and the rep had no idea why I was seeing what I was seeing. However, she mentioned that the .99 charge just went through and that Apple will not do anything to my wife's data, so I'm done spending time on this. I'll check back in a few days to see where things stand, but as of now this is something that seems to have Apple stumped – as well as everybody else!
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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: August 11, 2020 01:42PM
Have her sign into the App Store on a Mac.

Then see this page for info under "How to change your payment method on your Mac."

Look for additional credit cards associated with the account.

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Re: "There was a problem with your iCloud storage payment. Update your payment details to keep your 50GB of iCloud storage."
Posted by: reezekeys
Date: August 11, 2020 01:55PM
Thanks for the suggestion! We'll try this next – though it seems like another fishing expedition, but what the hey, it won't take long. As I said in my first post, all three of my family account members' iCloud charges are billed to the same debit card-mine. And, my card is correctly shown as the current "payment method" on her iPad. I appreciate your trying to help! If I find out the cause of all this I'll post in this thread, maybe it'll help someone down the road.
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