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Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: September 18, 2020 05:05PM

I got to 31 before having to start look up old hardware names.

Can't figure out these:

(presumably some early pocket calculator)

(thinking some early motion picture coin-op thing)

(early laptop with no screen?)

(early radio console?)

(Not a theramin, my scientist wife guessed atomic force microscope (AFM), but that didn't take)

(clear computer??)

(early workstation?)

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: wurm
Date: September 18, 2020 05:10PM
The top thing looks like an old SMPTE transport controller.

The thing that isn't a theremin looks like a sewing machine.

Brown box could be a simple studio talkback (with the guts hidden in the box).
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: September 18, 2020 05:32PM
clear computer is Apple 1
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: September 18, 2020 05:35PM

(presumably some early pocket calculator)

(thinking some early motion picture coin-op thing)

Microfilm Reader...

(early laptop with no screen?)

That, sir, was my first computer! A Timex-Sinclair 1000! You hook it to a TV, and a cassette tape player.

(early radio console?)

(Not a theramin, my scientist wife guessed atomic force microscope (AFM), but that didn't take)

Early Transistor, I think?

(clear computer??)

Micro-Fiche reader. Little sheets of film with like 10 pages of text on 'em.

(early workstation?)


You got me on the rest....

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Lew Zealand
Date: September 18, 2020 05:40PM
Top is an HP calc, something like the C30 but I cant remember. Third down is a TI99/4A or Timex Sinclair. #2 looks like a microfilm or microfiche reader but neither is correct.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: BernDog
Date: September 18, 2020 05:40PM
That’s pretty fun. I also crapped out at 31. Frustrating that it’ll only tell you facts about the ones you already know, though.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: September 18, 2020 05:41PM
Since it's tech, would the brown box be the first mouse?
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Lew Zealand
Date: September 18, 2020 05:49PM
Since it's tech, would the brown box be the first mouse?

I think you're correct, sir.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: BernDog
Date: September 18, 2020 05:54PM
Lew Zealand
Since it's tech, would the brown box be the first mouse?

I think you're correct, sir.

Came here to post that. Had to do a google image search to find it, though. Then I smacked my head.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Forrest
Date: September 18, 2020 06:08PM
The image above the Apple computer looks like a wire bonding machine, used to attach small wires from a silicon die to a DIP lead frame
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: September 18, 2020 06:18PM


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 18, 2020 06:32PM
It's amazing how closely the Sega Dreamcast controller resembles an Xbox controller.

It is what it is.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2020 06:32PM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 18, 2020 06:39PM
The image above the Apple computer looks like a wire bonding machine, used to attach small wires from a silicon die to a DIP lead frame

It's a TRS-80.

It is what it is.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: September 18, 2020 06:56PM
N-OS X-tasy!
The image above the Apple computer looks like a wire bonding machine, used to attach small wires from a silicon die to a DIP lead frame

It's a TRS-80.

I think its a 3d printer
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: September 18, 2020 08:17PM
Got 32 right...
The one below the 8 track tape has me stumped. It's a recording device, but I'm not getting the right term, apparently. Ditto on the TV with rabbit ears. It's clearly a TV of some sort, but TV and Television don't work.
The last full row, the first three have me stumped. And the name of the calculator...

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 18, 2020 08:49PM
Yeah, some/lots of 'em aren't playing nice w/ what you'd think the name/description should be...
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: September 18, 2020 08:53PM
clear computer is Apple 1

Wow. I'ma have to turn in my Apple card. facepalm

Paul F.
Got 32 right...
The one below the 8 track tape has me stumped. It's a recording device, but I'm not getting the right term, apparently. Ditto on the TV with rabbit ears. It's clearly a TV of some sort, but TV and Television don't work.
The last full row, the first three have me stumped. And the name of the calculator...

Below the 8-track is a Talkboy.

The TV is the first Sony Trinitron.

Last row- Xerox Alto, UNIVAC 1, Apple 1 (thanks macphanatic!)

Wy wife just figured out the brown box thing was the very first computer mouse (1968)!
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: rgG
Date: September 18, 2020 08:58PM
Paul F.
Got 32 right...
The one below the 8 track tape has me stumped. It's a recording device, but I'm not getting the right term, apparently. Ditto on the TV with rabbit ears. It's clearly a TV of some sort, but TV and Television don't work.
The last full row, the first three have me stumped. And the name of the calculator...

I can’t get the recording thing either. It should be either a Betamax or VCR but it won’t take either.

The TV is a Sony Trinatron. The colored bars give it away.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: September 18, 2020 09:02PM

Apparently this is the Busicom LE-120A Handy-LE (1971), never heard of it!
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: September 18, 2020 09:12PM
Thanks, we've got it down to the The final four:


(I thought maybe an early Pong, but no)


( I still think an early movie / stop motion thing as we've all tried microfiche/film)


( console music thing ? )


( still thinking an early IBM desk computer ? )
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Blankity Blank
Date: September 18, 2020 10:29PM
The internet.


(You Tube)
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: timg
Date: September 18, 2020 10:44PM
Thanks, we've got it down to the The final four:


(I thought maybe an early Pong, but no)


( I still think an early movie / stop motion thing as we've all tried microfiche/film)


( console music thing ? )


( still thinking an early IBM desk computer ? )

1. is An Odyssey game player

2 and 4 have me stumped.

Forgot the name of 3. it's an early television type thingy

Skill without imagination is craftsmanship. Imagination without skill is Modern Art.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 18, 2020 10:45PM
1. is Magnavox Odyssey
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Forrest
Date: September 18, 2020 10:54PM
I got 29 on my own plus 3 more from answers from this thread. I thought I would have gotten more of the 45.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 18, 2020 11:08PM
Paul F.
Got 32 right...
The one below the 8 track tape has me stumped. It's a recording device, but I'm not getting the right term, apparently. Ditto on the TV with rabbit ears. It's clearly a TV of some sort, but TV and Television don't work.
The last full row, the first three have me stumped. And the name of the calculator...

I can’t get the recording thing either. It should be either a Betamax or VCR but it won’t take either.

The TV is a Sony Trinatron. The colored bars give it away.


It is what it is.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 12:35AM
Stuck at 39/45 tonight.

I'm confident that I know 3 of the remaining ones, but it's not taking my answers.

The console thing is an early Baird TV.

What's the gray laptop that resembles a PowerBook without the trackball/trackpad?

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 12:53AM

( console music thing ? )

Holy cow -- talk about serendipity! Doing some research tonight on standard resolutions for older analog TVs, I came across the link below. Take a look at the top row, second-from-left icon eleven seconds into the clip!


EDIT: More info on this device starting at 1:00.

It is what it is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 12:56AM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 01:24AM
Serendipity, part two: I happened to click on one of the sidebar links after watching the video linked above -- look what appears at 2:49 of this video! Look familiar?


EDIT: LOL - the Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation make guest appearances in this video starting at 13:19.

It is what it is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 01:40AM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 01:49AM
What's the gray laptop that resembles a PowerBook without the trackball/trackpad?

IBM ThinkPad. If you look close you can see the tri-color IBM logo of the era.

It is what it is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 01:52AM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 12:03PM
N-OS X-tasy!
What's the gray laptop that resembles a PowerBook without the trackball/trackpad?

IBM ThinkPad. If you look close you can see the tri-color IBM logo of the era.


40/45 so far.

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: September 19, 2020 01:00PM
The real question is how many of these items have you had.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 01:47PM

Dammit!! I should have known that one immediately.


Got on a roll.


That was tough!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 01:50PM by Sarcany.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 19, 2020 02:07PM

Growing up in Romania I did not have access to this kind of tech. I heard about many of them but I never saw/used them. Several I was able to guess, but it's time to give up and see the correct answers. How do I see the answers?
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: space-time
Date: September 19, 2020 02:10PM
what is this???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 02:10PM by space-time.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 19, 2020 02:26PM
OK, so what are we all missing... ? ? ?

Maybe post what you think is the toughest one is....

And post your thoughts about a second one that you're sure know generally what it is, but it just won't resolve....
For example, I *knew* the 32nd item was a mid 70's VHS recorder, but it didn't pop in until I typed "JVC" in front of it.

My toughie is #45

And I'm pretty sure #15 is an arcade game; not sure if there's more than the four yellow buttons to play with, like pedals and/or another controller device.

s-t: that's a Talkboy, a kinda voice changer machine from the early 90's.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 02:35PM
For example, I *knew* the 32nd item was a mid 70's VHS recorder, but it didn't pop in until I typed "JVC" in front of it.

Same here -- it is obviously a first-gen VCR. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I tried JVC with no result. I tried VCR, VHS, Betamax, Sony, and -- I thought -- JVC. It wasn't until I entered "Victor" that it popped for me.

It is what it is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 02:37PM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 03:59PM
My toughie is #45...

Casio 14a Calculator

And I'm pretty sure #15 is an arcade game...


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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 04:01PM
I really got thrown by the Thinkpad of all things. It looked like a Toshiba to me. Didn't have the little orange nubbin.

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 19, 2020 05:55PM
I really got thrown by the Thinkpad of all things. It looked like a Toshiba to me. Didn't have the little orange nubbin.

I knew it was a thinkpad, but I tried IBM laptop, Lenovo laptop, and a couple of others, before just thinkpad.

The bottom one didn't like Burroughs, or early electronic calculator, or desktop calculator. Many of them are a bit of a guessing game.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: rgG
Date: September 19, 2020 06:15PM
N-OS X-tasy!
For example, I *knew* the 32nd item was a mid 70's VHS recorder, but it didn't pop in until I typed "JVC" in front of it.

Same here -- it is obviously a first-gen VCR. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I tried JVC with no result. I tried VCR, VHS, Betamax, Sony, and -- I thought -- JVC. It wasn't until I entered "Victor" that it popped for me.

I think that was being way too picky. I kept typing in all those other things, too, and no go. Never would have occurred to me it was a JVC

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 06:41PM
I really got thrown by the Thinkpad of all things. It looked like a Toshiba to me. Didn't have the little orange nubbin.

Toshiba was my first thought, too, for the same reason.

It is what it is.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2020 06:43PM
N-OS X-tasy!
For example, I *knew* the 32nd item was a mid 70's VHS recorder, but it didn't pop in until I typed "JVC" in front of it.

Same here -- it is obviously a first-gen VCR. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I tried JVC with no result. I tried VCR, VHS, Betamax, Sony, and -- I thought -- JVC. It wasn't until I entered "Victor" that it popped for me.

I think that was being way too picky. I kept typing in all those other things, too, and no go. Never would have occurred to me it was a JVC

JVC invented the VHS format, so...

But, yeah, some of these were nit-picky almost to the point of being unreasonable.

It is what it is.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: PeterB
Date: September 19, 2020 09:19PM
Not only were a lot of those way too nit-picky, but they didn't include a number of things I thought they would have, here's a sample:

Oh, and they also forgot this, the most obvious of all...

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2020 11:27PM by PeterB.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 19, 2020 10:33PM
My final five stumpers......

Looks like some sort of pendulum based graphing device?

Looks like either video game/console projector, or some sort of scanning device?

Looks like some sort of media/data storage cartridge/cassette/rack mount/removable device?

No freaking clue at this point... and now getting embarrassed at the failed guess attempts! Pretty sure I'm gonna need a brand name here.

Since it's not an abacus, or Connect Four, I got nuttin'.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: September 19, 2020 11:17PM
-Virtual Boy
-Pager... Just a generic pager, I guess. Took me awhile.
-Bombe... My first guess was Abacus, too.

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: September 20, 2020 01:04AM
Forgot about the Altair... even though I was into computing back then, that one wasn't hands on for me; i was more into Nikon photo gear, and all sorts of athletic stuff at that time.... plus I just got a new GF in 1975 that lasted until '79.

Woulda been barking up too many wrong trees to get to transistor, but appreciate it in retrospect.

Certainly familiar w/ pagers, but that pic's form factor threw me too far off track to get my head back in the game.

Shoulda asked my kid about Virtual Boy... none of that 3D stuff, or VR stuff ever got me jiggly, since my eyes/brain/neuro crud couldn't/can't tolerate it, I never embraced it enough for that gear to make a lasting impression.

I really got into WWII decryption stuff, especially because of the logic it employed, so the result isn't lost on me; but I gotta say that is possibly the worst representation out of any of the 45 items shown in the quiz. I never, ever, woulda gotten there based on that pic; my 30,000' view was/is just too biased.

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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 20, 2020 11:43PM
I really got into WWII decryption stuff, especially because of the logic it employed, so the result isn't lost on me; but I gotta say that is possibly the worst representation out of any of the 45 items shown in the quiz. I never, ever, woulda gotten there based on that pic; my 30,000' view was/is just too biased.

Looks pretty close to this version shown on the Wikipedia Bombe page:

It is what it is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2020 11:44PM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: Tech Quiz- What is the brown box with a single red button?
Posted by: Schpark
Date: September 21, 2020 10:34AM
Google "Point Contact transistor" for the details of the transistor.
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