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Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: Don C
Date: October 06, 2020 10:18PM
I am planning to vote in person before Nov 3; early voting started yesterday. Voting in person means guaranteeing that my vote will not be thrown out because I signed it wrong or whatever; voting early is to avoid long lines.

Well, two days into the early voting period and the lines were really long when I stopped by a little after noon today. Nicely socially distanced, making the lines all that much longer, but the idea of avoiding a crowd did not work today!

I am rethinking the vote in person decision.

Glad there is so much interest in the election but it's going to be tricky picking a time when there is a lull if I stick to the in person decision.
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: October 06, 2020 10:50PM
Aroumd here for the past couple of years people have lined up to vote "early," the line has been over an hour wait. This is all pre-pandemic. Typically, the wait on line at any of our polling locations is about 5 minutes.

Hurts like a bastid...
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: jdc
Date: October 06, 2020 10:53PM
saw where some peeps were waitgin 5-6-7 hours.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: Speedy
Date: October 06, 2020 11:12PM
We have absentee voting, no excuse needed. I dropped my postage-paid ballot in the mail yesterday. I can track it online to find out if there are any problems with it.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: October 06, 2020 11:44PM
I voted in-person a few weeks ago on day #3 of voting in my state.

It took about a minute per person with each "group" of 30 people lined up outside processed in about 30 minutes. (People were not really grouped together. I just counted off 30 people and timed how long it took for the last one to make it in and out.)

I was impressed by how efficient they were without compromising safety. Two people ran the line, making sure that none of the visitors was standing too close to any other, guiding each voter inside and calling off where to stand at the marks on the floor inside. Everyone was masked, they had barriers placed strategically, doors and windows were open with fans blowing clean air inside, and there were several people whose only job was to clean surfaces and collect used pens for later-cleaning with alcohol.

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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: rz
Date: October 07, 2020 07:02AM
I've lived in my current house for 16+ years. Even though I live in a fairly large city (Orlando), the longest I've ever waited to vote in person at my designated polling place was about 15 minutes. Usually, it's a 5 minute wait, or less. In non-presidential voting years, there's often nobody else in line, and I walk right up. I expect it to be a little more crowded this year, but not too bad.
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: bazookaman
Date: October 07, 2020 07:07AM
My wife and I voted on Monday through absentee ballot in NC. We did not mail it though. She went to the BOE and physically delivered it. I too, tracked my ballot online today to make sure there were no issues.

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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: CJsNvrUrly
Date: October 07, 2020 08:52AM
Our household of four already voted in Virginia. We've never had to wait more than a few minutes. I'm not sure what I'd do if our lines were hours long.

bunny smileyCentral VA
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Re: Long lines at the voting center today
Posted by: Robert M
Date: October 07, 2020 10:06AM
Hi everyone,

I voted via absentee ballot. Since the ballot envelope was an odd shape and size and seemed to weigh about an ounce or so. I added enough stamps to ensure there was ample postage on the envelope. And, yes, here in my area, the ballots aren't postage-paid.

Not enough stamps and the ballot will get returned due to insufficient postage. 'course, the return address on the envelope is the recipient's address. So, even if I forgot to put stamps on the envelope or didn't put on enough of them, it'd arrive at the same destination eventually, just not necessarily in time for my vote to count for the election.

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