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Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: celliott
Date: October 23, 2020 09:29PM
I’m dying here. I cannot figure out how to play my purchased iTunes movies on my iPad. Used to be a videos app, then tv app. I don’t see either of those on my iPad . When I used the iTunes Store app, I see my movie, when I click on it it tells me to download the tv app from the App Store. But the App Store doesn’t find a tv app or a Apple video app. I’m getting old, I miss things. What am I missing here?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2020 09:30PM by celliott.
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Re: Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: bfd
Date: October 23, 2020 09:54PM
Apple TV app. It might be in the Apple "folder", or do a search for it on your iPad.
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Re: Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: bfd
Date: October 23, 2020 09:55PM
And once you get to that app, you'll need to look at the bottom of the window for your video Library
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Re: Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: celliott
Date: October 23, 2020 10:07PM
Thanks for the info. Found it. I haven’t used my iPad for movies in a long time. I missed that transition. Now I have another problem. I’m trying to stream my purchased movies from my iPad to a Samsung tv via HDMI and an hdmi adaptor. I now get the message that the attached display can’t play protected videos. Come on Apple. But I can go to my Amazon account and play movies from my Prime account. I give up.
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Re: Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: Rolando
Date: October 25, 2020 10:06AM
Thanks for the info. Found it. I haven’t used my iPad for movies in a long time. I missed that transition. Now I have another problem. I’m trying to stream my purchased movies from my iPad to a Samsung tv via HDMI and an hdmi adaptor. I now get the message that the attached display can’t play protected videos. Come on Apple. But I can go to my Amazon account and play movies from my Prime account. I give up.

The AppleTV App on any smartTV/Roku box will do that, probably cheaper than the HDMI adapter.

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Re: Play purchased movies on iPad iOS 14
Posted by: celliott
Date: October 26, 2020 12:46PM
Rolando- I agree. Unfortunately I was away on a trip and staying at a motel. Didn't have my Apple TV box with me- so straight from iPad to TV using the HDMI adapter.
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