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M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: sekker
Date: December 14, 2020 03:59PM
I've spent 30 minutes with my wife's new M1 MBA, and even longer with the MB12 she was replacing. It's at least 10x faster in nearly all ways as that 2017 Intel Mac.

Alas, no clear M1 Silicon for me as a daily driver for awhile. Maybe a new M1 iMac next year, if it's not a first gen product.

So, the lucky ones - post your M1 systems here! I want to live vicariously...
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: pdq
Date: December 14, 2020 04:04PM
The M1 Mini is in the mail.

For better or worse, I went with the absolute base model. From what I’ve heard/read and what I know of my needs, I don’t anticipate a problem with the RAM. 256GB is too small, but I have a number of externals, so we’ll see how that goes when I switch over.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: AllGold
Date: December 14, 2020 04:13PM
I'm breaking the rules here because I'm still a maybe. Sue me. tongue smiley I'm considering joining the M1 rolls in the form of a MBA, but haven't as of yet.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 14, 2020 04:22PM
We have 2 base MBAs on the way.

I want to give them a try and run them from an external NVMe and see if its faster than my 2014 27" 3.5 i5 5K iMac w/32 GB ram. Running my daily workflow -- all the adobe apps, 3 browsers, etc -- even with its 8 GB of ram.

If its magnitudes better I will prob pickup a 16/1TB mini for now... and replace it with whatever M1/M2/M1X 5K iMac comes out in a year.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: sekker
Date: December 14, 2020 04:26PM
We have 2 base MBAs on the way.

I want to give them a try and run them from an external NVMe and see if its faster than my 2014 27" 3.5 i5 5K iMac w/32 GB ram. Running my daily workflow -- all the adobe apps, 3 browsers, etc -- even with its 8 GB of ram.

If its magnitudes better I will prob pickup a 16/1TB mini for now... and replace it with whatever M1/M2/M1X 5K iMac comes out in a year.

What monitors do you plan to connect to those MBAs as a substitute for the terrific 5k monitor on that iMac?
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: SteveO
Date: December 14, 2020 04:47PM
Trying not to look at M1 13" 16/1 MBAs as I'm holding out for a 14" 16/1 MBA/MBP.

The 2010 MBP 16/1 just keeps chuggin' along, though! Knock on wood... wiggle smiley
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 14, 2020 05:03PM
What monitors do you plan to connect to those MBAs as a substitute for the terrific 5k monitor on that iMac?

Well the MBA will be for the kids... but if got a mini for me...

Wish I knew. All the research I keep doing leads me to believe that pretty much all 32" 4K screens suck... unless I spend $1000. I don't know that I want 27" again... but not really thrilled at the notion of buying a $1000 monitor again.

Id consider a 2020 5K with some decent specs -- but anytime I try and configure one with what I might want...say, 1TB/5500XT its all the sudden its $3000.

In the end, I know Im gonna have to wait for the next Mwhatever iMac to be happy... or willing to spend $3000. Im sure the 2020 iMac is fast... but its not future fast.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: gabester
Date: December 14, 2020 05:04PM
Hey M1 owners, I have a question - how is multiuser performance vs Intel Macs? I.e. if you log two users in seperately over remote desktop/vnc does that have an impact? The M1 seems to really be optimised for single user performance so I wonder if an M1 Mac will take a hit when more than 1 user is simultaneously running workloads.

Mind you, I always had a dream of standing up a burly hackintosh for cheap and having family members connect to it for music and photos; it always ended up being easier to just have purpose designated devices that in the past few years have moved to Windows due to Apple prices and the relative simplicity of doing those same tasks on Windows.

My killer app for an M1 Mac these days would likely just be photos...
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: DP
Date: December 14, 2020 05:30PM
Well, again, if one can't replace all their apps that can't run now with Catalina or Big Sur, then no. No M1 for a while yet...

Disclaimer: This post is checked for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Any attempts at humor are solely the responsibility of the author and bear no claim that any and all readers will approve or appreciate said attempt at humor.
My name is DP, and I approve this message.

"Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime."- Lavrentiy Beria

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2020 05:30PM by DP.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: December 14, 2020 06:16PM
Blazing fast and epic failures when stuff goes wrong. Mine has been relegated to sitting unused. I went back to my 2018 MBA for now. I'll give it a shot again when more apps are native and the bugs are worked out.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2020 06:17PM by C(-)ris.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: Markintosh
Date: December 14, 2020 06:53PM
Typing from my M1 MBA and I typed this 12 times faster than my old MBA.

“Live your life, love your life, don’t regret…live, learn and move forward positively.” – CR Johnson
Loving life in Lake Tahoe, CA
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: Bo
Date: December 14, 2020 07:05PM
Ordered base level MBA yesterday evening. Will be delivered tomorrow. It’ll be a family Christmas gift for my nephew.

Considering selling my 2018 i7 32/512 mini and getting a new mini. Looking at eBay, I’m very surprised at what people are spending on my current setup...$1200+/- makes it super tempting
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: bhaveshp
Date: December 14, 2020 07:15PM
Also replying on my base M1 MBA which I just upgraded to Big Sur 11.1 (feels weird not writing OS X). It has been fantastic for the most part.

I've had a number of lock ups on the screensaver which I hope 11.1 has addressed.

This thread seems to indicate this also happens on Intel machines on Big Sur, so doesn't seem to be a HW issue: []
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: December 14, 2020 07:31PM
.....think you can wash your silicone the dishwasher.....


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: pdq
Date: December 14, 2020 08:02PM
.....think you can wash your silicone the dishwasher.....

Ewww, Newt!
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: sekker
Date: December 14, 2020 08:16PM
PS I was reminded by my son that our M1 MBA has had at least 4 kernel panics. We just updated the OS, hoping it fixes these issues.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: December 14, 2020 08:17PM
According to UPS, my Mac Mini M1 arrives tomorrow by 9 pm. I got this from the Adorama sale last week.

Hoping to sell the highly upgraded 2009 Mac Pro for enough to cover it....
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: Mike Johnson
Date: December 14, 2020 08:19PM
My top of the line M1 MBP should be here on Thursday. The 5G monitor to go with it is sitting in the garage.

It’s been ten years since I had a laptop but I’m starting a new job and the week I was planning to buy a laptop was the week they announced the new models. Work would give me a laptop but it’s time to move past my MacPro 4,1 as a desktop machine.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2020 08:21PM by Mike Johnson.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 14, 2020 08:30PM
Mike Johnson
The 5G monitor to go with it is sitting in the garage.


Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: December 14, 2020 09:16PM
M1 Mini 16G. I find myself smiling hourly with this thing. Fast everything, including H.264 editing. It's a joy.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: December 15, 2020 05:57PM
M1 Mini 16G. I find myself smiling hourly with this thing. Fast everything, including H.264 editing. It's a joy.

Have you completed any transcoding from dvd to h264? If so, is it faster than intel machines?
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: December 15, 2020 06:11PM
M1 Mini 16G. I find myself smiling hourly with this thing. Fast everything, including H.264 editing. It's a joy.

Have you completed any transcoding from dvd to h264? If so, is it faster than intel machines?

I have not. I'd try it, but I don't believe there's a DVD within 500' of my possessions. But I'd be willing to try another video transfer if you have something to try on, and I can tell you the speeds.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 16, 2020 10:22AM
Blazing fast and epic failures when stuff goes wrong. Mine has been relegated to sitting unused. I went back to my 2018 MBA for now. I'll give it a shot again when more apps are native and the bugs are worked out.

Soudns like it should be returned?

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: M1 Roll call - post your new Apple Silicon toys here
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: December 16, 2020 06:12PM
Blazing fast and epic failures when stuff goes wrong. Mine has been relegated to sitting unused. I went back to my 2018 MBA for now. I'll give it a shot again when more apps are native and the bugs are worked out.

Sounds like it should be returned?

Institutional purchase for testing purposes. No sense returning it, will periodically keep testing when new apps come out. We canceled our quote for 100 of them. Going to keep going on what we have in place for the time being.

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