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Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 09, 2021 12:49PM
What was it like and what did you end up using as a substitute?

Edited for subject line clarity

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2021 04:00PM by mrbigstuff.
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: March 09, 2021 12:53PM
....Oat milk is all the rage now.......


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: pRICE cUBE
Date: March 09, 2021 01:04PM
I know someone who switched to goat milk and is happier but lighter in the wallet. Anything scientific I can add? Nope.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Schpark
Date: March 09, 2021 01:17PM

My daughter got me to try almond milk and I initially didn't like it because it was too sweet and the flavor too different from milk

Until I tried the following. Tastes the most like milk and I actually like it. I can definitely tell the difference when we get a different kind.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Robert M
Date: March 09, 2021 01:18PM

I switch between Fairlife 2% milk and Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla and Almond Breeze Unsweetened Chocolate "milk". Made the switch from 1% and 2% regular milk due to sugar/carbs. Any kind of regular milk has more sugar/carbs than either Fairlife and either of the unsweetened Almond Breeze "milk" products.

The above are for drinking or for use with low-carb high fiber cereal. None of the substitutes cut it for coffee or hot cocoa. For that, I still use and _vastly_ prefer plain ol' half & half, light cream or regular cream. Even whole milk, which I don't prefer for coffee or cocoa, is better than the milk substitutes. Never tried Fairlife whole milk in either coffee or cocoa, though. It might be doable.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: March 09, 2021 01:20PM
.....whatever you choose......I prefer to get the 'unsweetened' version, that way I can control sugar intake.......the flavored version, tend to have more sugar also......


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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 09, 2021 01:21PM
Thanks to those who responded!. I should add that my main use is to froth for coffee, occasionally use for cereal. Keep the suggestions coming.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Robert M
Date: March 09, 2021 01:35PM

Been there, done that. For frothing, I've yet to find any of the alternatives a viable replacement for good ol' dairy milk or a lactose-free dairy milk. I wouldn't waste my time trying them. I also would've said this in the first place if you'd included this critical detail in your original post.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 09, 2021 01:39PM
What was it like and what did you end up using as a substitute?

Are you trying to solve digestive problems? If so, keep a diary. There's a lot of guesswork and you'll frequently be wrong. People who don't admit they're wrong eventually end up on single food diets.
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 09, 2021 01:54PM
What was it like and what did you end up using as a substitute?

Are you trying to solve digestive problems? If so, keep a diary. There's a lot of guesswork and you'll frequently be wrong. People who don't admit they're wrong eventually end up on single food diets.

I don't understand your last sentence at all, but yes I'm trying to see if my digestion is improved by eliminating milk (but not all dairy, such as cheese). Supposedly, adults are less able to digest milk enzymes as we age, but I'm way past turning into an adult, so I'm just seeing if there is generalized improvement.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: lost in space
Date: March 09, 2021 02:01PM
I didn’t have digestive problems with milk; sinus congestion cleared up whenI switched to soy. Took some getting used to, and now milk tastes weird

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 09, 2021 02:04PM
I don't understand your last sentence at all

People can develop serious dietary problems because they continuously cross foods off their list of things they can eat without adding anything back. Some people will end up eating only one thing. Its a colorful story to illustrate my point.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: March 09, 2021 02:16PM
......have had milk straight from the teet [ cow's not human ].....and lived to tell the tale.....


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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Diana
Date: March 09, 2021 02:16PM
I had noticed an issue when I ate something prepared with milk or drank milk itself. I had previously gradually drifted from milk drinking, and so it was most noticeable when I tried to add that back to my diet. Pain, bloating, diarrhea, did I mention pain?

I noticed that it wasn’t a problem when I ate aged cheese, but was a problem with young cheeses or cottage cheese. Cooked in something, like breads or such, no problem, but Alfredo sauce? Big mistake there. That was the only thing at that time I changed in my diet. I tried the lactose pills, but didn’t see a big difference. Due to the expense (at that time) and the hassle, I just stopped using milk.

Shortly afterwards, goat milk became the “big” thing. I got brave and tried it, expecting that there would be hell to pay. Surprisingly I had no issues. Since goat milk and milk from cows have similar amounts of lactose (milk sugar) it wasn’t a lactose problem. Looking back, I remembered that some breakfast sausage would give me issues similar to milk, and further research showed that casein is often added to breakfast sausage as a filler/binder. Goat milk has a different form of casein than cow milk. Hmm, I thought. It turns out that milk in America is predominantly from a cow breed that yields the alpha form (as opposed to the beta form) of casein. These cows produce more milk than those with the beta form, apparently.

I had one more experiment to run: see if I can find milk that either predominantly contains or only contains beta-casein. It does exist. The dairy company Brahm’s (ice cream, yum!) has been breeding their cows to express only the beta form in the milk, and isn’t much more expensive than the other stuff. Another more nationally available brand is A1 Milk (at twice the price locally). I have tried both, and now I can drink milk with a meal, or add it to my coffee. As stated before, some brands of milk substitutes add sugar to their products to make them more palatable; additional sugar is something I have been eliminating due to health issues.

I have not tried the other milk substitutes. I hope this helps.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 09, 2021 02:59PM
Diana, wow, thanks for that informative piece, esp as it relates to goat milk (which I've tried but wouldn't sub in my cappuccino, probably!).

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: jdc
Date: March 09, 2021 03:08PM
Im gonna follow this, wife is having issues with milk, trying A2. Its not the lactose, its the casein, she thinks. half and half in her coffee every morning can be an issue. Shes not a fan of oat, coconut or almond, finds them way too sweet.

Has tried unsweetened soy, gave it a sold meh, and really hard to find.

for me, nothing more delicious than a tall ice cold glass of vitamin D, unless its got 3 big scoops of Ovaltine in it. yum.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: d4
Date: March 09, 2021 03:14PM
I nice side effect of milk/dairy issues is giving up breakfast cereal and ice cream. Stop putting that garbage in your body.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: jdc
Date: March 09, 2021 03:25PM
I nice side effect of milk/dairy issues is giving up breakfast cereal and ice cream. Stop putting that garbage in your body.

confused smiley there's absolutely nothing wrong with either of those foods.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Schpark
Date: March 09, 2021 03:27PM
Im gonna follow this, wife is having issues with milk, trying A2. Its not the lactose, its the casein, she thinks. half and half in her coffee every morning can be an issue. Shes not a fan of oat, coconut or almond, finds them way too sweet.

I also found almond milk way too sweet, even the unsweetened ones....except for the one I linked previously and also below. It is significantly less sweet and tastes the closest to milk I have found. I can eat it with unsweetened cereal without making the cereal taste like the sugary cereals.

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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Numo
Date: March 09, 2021 04:05PM
Silk non-sweet, unflavored soy milk is all we drink around here. I think it’s good to evaluate on more than just dairy vs. non-dairy. Here’s a nutritional comparison of different “milks:”


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2021 04:08PM by Ammo.
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Re: Any real milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Diana
Date: March 09, 2021 04:09PM
Diana, wow, thanks for that informative piece, esp as it relates to goat milk (which I've tried but wouldn't sub in my cappuccino, probably!).

No, goat milk definitely has a taste to it quite different from cow milk. I'm not a fan of it in my coffee, but it does well if you were to mix it with other things that can soften that taste, such as parmesan cheese. I find it does well as a substitute for cow milk (use the condensed version for cream) in Alfredo sauce.

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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Markintosh
Date: March 09, 2021 04:12PM
Another vote for oat milk...

“Live your life, love your life, don’t regret…live, learn and move forward positively.” – CR Johnson
Loving life in Lake Tahoe, CA
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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: JoeH
Date: March 09, 2021 05:38PM
My milk usage had gone down to just being added to tea and over cereal. A couple years ago I noticed the gastric distress and other symptoms were getting worse every day I had cereal, and went away when I stopped. Found eating cereal was okay dry, but that has its own issues.

Tried soy milks, kept noticing aftertastes that I found unpleasant. Almond milk was next, that was okay but plain was a little off. Tried the vanilla flavored almond milk, the sweetened variety was too sweet. Unsweetened vanilla almond milk was just about perfect. I usually get the Stop & Shop store brand, it is good enough. The unsweetened variety for other brands is either not stocked at all, or sold out much of the time. One brand has a sweetened and less sweetened vanilla, never have seen a fully unsweetened version from that brand.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2021 05:46PM by JoeH.
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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: DinerDave
Date: March 09, 2021 06:10PM
About 3 years ago, my wife suddenly developed lactose intolerance.
I do feel that sometimes your body can handle things until it just gets to
a point where your body says, Oh boy, that's it, no more.
So at the same time that she discovered Almond Breeze Unsweetened Original,
I developed a liking for Fairlife, so expensive, or any mainstream dairy'e lactose free
1% milk. Still more expensive than regular milk, but I like drinking a glass now and then.
It is preventive medicine so to speak for me by eliminating lactose, no medical claims to
back my theory, but I believe what I stated in the beginning to have some merit.
I use lactose free in any recipe calling for milk products, and was pleased to find
lactose free half and half.


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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: March 09, 2021 06:24PM
I went lactose-free skim milk about a year ago. It eliminated the same issues Diana listed in her first post. It must be an age thing.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Robert M
Date: March 10, 2021 06:11AM

The only brand I've seen that has a sweetened and less sweetened vanilla almond milk is Almond Breeze from Blue Diamond. They also have an unsweetened vanilla, which is my favorite of the brands. However, my favorite milk alternative is Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Cashew. It has the flavor of unsweetened vanilla almond breeze and a thicker consistency, which makes it more like 2% or whole milk. The problem is finding it online for delivery is next to impossible. Since I rarely shop in store these days, I do without it.

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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: March 10, 2021 07:37AM
.....will get unsweetened milk substitute, then use sugar free flavoring from Torani/similar......


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Any real (cow) milk switchers do it for digestive matters?
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: March 10, 2021 08:50PM
Found out by keeping records of absolutely everything I ate for two weeks that I was lactose intolerant. The Drs. couldn't figure it out. I was fine drinking milk and eating all the cheese I wanted for about 53 years until suddenly I was having bouts of stomach aches and diarrhea 3-4 times a week and this went on for nearly a year. I switched to almond milk and started taking lactase pills with small amounts of cooked dairy products. Still was not able to just drink cows milk and a take pill, it just didn't work. As far as almond milk Silk is the worst. Blue Diamond, Aldi's and Nature's Promise are the best tasting I've found, only original unsweetened for me. I can eat Cabot cheese without any problems and it's very reasonable at Sam's Club by the 2# block.

And to think I married into a dairy farm family 34 years ago. I believe mine was caused by a virus but have absolutely no proof of that.

Some of my relatives have naturally said it was in my head. I've slipped up a couple times and forgot to take a pill when eating a sandwich with cheese and 30-45 minutes later my gut is gurgling and like what's going on and then it dawns on me I forgot to take a pill.

I once was able to hold it for a 25 minute drive on the interstate trying to get back home. I was at a friends home and they weren't letting anyone in their home due to Covid like us, so I hightailed it home. Would not have wanted to have a massive blowout in their bathroom anyway. I phoned home and said make sure the door is unlocked because I'm coming in hot!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2021 08:51PM by Grateful11.
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