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How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: davemchine
Date: May 18, 2021 08:35AM
I'm trying to help a friend get a WA state ID card but it seems like a bit of a challenge. They want some form of other ID but he doesn't have anything. I checked on how to get his birth certificate from CA and they seem to want a license number first. I'm probably not understanding the process. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: MrNoBody
Date: May 18, 2021 09:00AM
Real ID, here's the Washington state info: []
And here's the list of proof required:

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patriot smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2021 09:02AM by MrNoBody.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: btfc
Date: May 18, 2021 09:27AM
Obtain a Copy of Your Birth Certificate in California:


When I needed a replacement NY birth cert, after months of trying by mail and phone, I found it simpler to do it in person, so I eventually just went to the office in Albany (the State Capital).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2021 03:05PM by btfc.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: May 18, 2021 10:02AM
Is this for a plain ID card? Real ID in WA is a little more difficult.

The WikiHow page for California is fairly simple, but specific the city/county website might be even easier. I think it took me 18 minutes doing it in person from the time I entered the building to when I left, but I had a valid CDL at the time.

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: rz
Date: May 18, 2021 01:14PM
I was born in CA. The only birth certificate I had was from the hospital, not an official one. I got my first passport about 25 years ago, and they required an official one. I don't remember it being particularly difficult to get, albeit this was before 9/11. It was mailed to me in FL.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: Diana
Date: May 18, 2021 02:57PM
I'm trying to help a friend get a WA state ID card but it seems like a bit of a challenge. They want some form of other ID but he doesn't have anything. I checked on how to get his birth certificate from CA and they seem to want a license number first. I'm probably not understanding the process. Does anyone have a suggestion?

It seems to me that the first step is to get the California birth certificate. I downloaded the PDF for it to check and I don't see anywhere that a license number for HIM is required but rather is some agency is requesting a birth certificate (such as police department, etc). In this case, the agency needs to give the case or ID number applicable for the birth certificate request. It also seems that it will take some 10 weeks or so to process by mailing it in, or at least that was the estimated timeframe I saw.

If you can get to the county where the birth took place you might be able to shorten the timeframe, as indicated by btfc when he went to get his in NY. A glance through the attendant webpages leads me to think you can probably do it for California as well. Yes, I know California is a BIG state and without knowing where he is and where he was born, I could be asking a LOT here.

Once the certified authorized birth certificate (the one for identification purposes, not the informational one) is in your possession, then it becomes easier to go the REAL ID route.

When I needed to renew my driver's license here in Oklahoma, I unknowingly stepped into the mess that you appear to be in. Fortunately, I had a certified copy of my birth certificate and it only took three trips to get the DL. In my case, I also had to wait over 2 hours as the systems in the state were unable to keep up with the demand and repeatedly crashed on the poor folks trying their best to get what had been a 5 minute process done. I would only say "only in Oklahoma" but I suspect that this is playing out across the country in much the same manner. It's not like they had close to 5 YEARS to get this figured out.

PDF for California birth certificate:


Where I got that from:

State website

Good luck,

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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: hal
Date: May 18, 2021 03:14PM
I was born in CA. The only birth certificate I had was from the hospital, not an official one. I got my first passport about 25 years ago, and they required an official one. I don't remember it being particularly difficult to get, albeit this was before 9/11. It was mailed to me in FL.

I was given a piece of paper when I moved out of the family home - I was told it was my birth certificate, but it was actually a 'certificate of live birth' which is not the same.

I was in CA, but was born in CT, so I had to go thought the process online. Of course every state is different. It was post 911 and it wasn't easy, but it was certainly doable. Took several weeks to complete the process.

so follow the links that Diana posted and see it through
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: May 18, 2021 04:19PM
... I suspect that this is playing out across the country in much the same manner. It's not like they had close to 5 YEARS to get this figured out...


Seventeen years... the RealID act was passed in 2005. They've had Seventeen years to figure this out.

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: davemchine
Date: May 18, 2021 05:39PM
Thank you. This is all very helpful.

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: Diana
Date: May 18, 2021 06:06PM
Paul F.
... I suspect that this is playing out across the country in much the same manner. It's not like they had close to 5 YEARS to get this figured out...


Seventeen years... the RealID act was passed in 2005. They've had Seventeen years to figure this out.

Wow. I didn’t think we were that far behind.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: May 18, 2021 07:15PM
Paul F.
... I suspect that this is playing out across the country in much the same manner. It's not like they had close to 5 YEARS to get this figured out...


Seventeen years... the RealID act was passed in 2005. They've had Seventeen years to figure this out.

I actually got my RealID in May 2018. Was very excited because I thought I would be able to use it as an "extra" level of ID when accessing Federal facilities, which I do frequently for my job.

Nope. Federal facilities won't accept it until after the RealID deadline has passed - it won't become active until after that date. And so it turns out that, with the latest extension to the RealID deadline, I will need to renew it before I even have a chance to use it!

Ha-RUMPH! cursing smiley

(Of course, the real issue is: If we've gone this long without having it in place... how necessary must it actually be? A question for the Congress-critters...)

It is what it is.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2021 07:19PM by N-OS X-tasy!.
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Re: How to get ID card and birth certificate
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: May 19, 2021 08:50PM
Call his US Senator or Representative.
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