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meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: June 01, 2021 07:35AM
.....might mean higher meat prices.....seems like someone is testing our 'infrastructure'.......for a bigger attack......

Cyber attack hits JBS meat works in Australia, North America

.....Australian and North American units of the world's largest meat works were hit over the weekend by an organised cyber attack on its information systems, Brazil's JBS SA said in a statement.

The attack caused its Australian operations to shut down on Monday. The company said it was working to resolve the incident.

"On Sunday, May 30, JBS USA determined that it was the target of an organised cybersecurity attack, affecting some of the servers supporting its North American and Australian IT systems," it said in a statement released Monday afternoon, U.S. time.

"Resolution of the incident will take time, which may delay certain transactions with customers and suppliers."

The attack shut down operations across several Australian states, JBS Australia Chief Executive Officer Brent Eastwood told industry news website Beefcentral on Sunday, at which time he was not able to say how long the stoppage would last.

The world's largest meatpacker has operations in Canada and the United States, which on Monday marked the U.S. Memorial Day public holiday.

Australian meat processing operations would be impossible without normal access to IT and internet systems, according to the Beefcentral report. JBS's Primo Smallgoods business in Queensland state has also been affected, the report said.

nice piece of meat......?!


I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2021 08:05AM by NewtonMP2100.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: S. Pupp
Date: June 01, 2021 09:02AM
The perpetrators, if found, should be imprisoned and fed only vegan food.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2021 09:02AM by S. Pupp.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: pdq
Date: June 01, 2021 09:02AM
I would say that the current state of business computing/security is broken.

I suspect that the response of IT people will be to have us change our passwords more often still.

That ain’t cutting it.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: June 01, 2021 09:19AM
seems like someone is testing our 'infrastructure'.......for a bigger attack......

Or they never implemented a comprehensive information security policy.

Most company-leaders are idiots about IT.

"Why should I hire experienced IT staff when I can hire a half-dozen fresh college graduates for the same money and work them 90 hours a week without paid-overtime and fill in the gap with unpaid interns?"

"Wow! That file-sharing connection my nephew set up for me is awesome! I can't believe my IT guy thought this was a bad idea. Glad we didn't need him for this!"

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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: June 01, 2021 09:49AM
S. Pupp
The perpetrators, if found, should be imprisoned and fed only vegan food.

Forget imprisonment. Feed them to wolves and coyotes.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: June 01, 2021 09:57AM
S. Pupp
The perpetrators, if found, should be imprisoned and fed only vegan food.

Forget imprisonment. Feed them to wolves and coyotes.

After putting them thru an industrial meat grinder, turning them into hamburger for easier eatin’.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: June 01, 2021 10:06AM
seems like someone is testing our 'infrastructure'.......for a bigger attack......

Or they never implemented a comprehensive information security policy.

Most company-leaders are idiots about IT.

"Why should I hire experienced IT staff when I can hire a half-dozen fresh college graduates for the same money and work them 90 hours a week without paid-overtime and fill in the gap with unpaid interns?"

"Wow! That file-sharing connection my nephew set up for me is awesome! I can't believe my IT guy thought this was a bad idea. Glad we didn't need him for this!"

Yes. This is the problem.

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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: June 01, 2021 10:42AM
S. Pupp
The perpetrators, if found, should be imprisoned and fed only vegan food.

Forget imprisonment. Feed them to wolves and coyotes.

After putting them thru an industrial meat grinder, turning them into hamburger for easier eatin’.

Nah. Let them be eaten alive.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: numbered
Date: June 01, 2021 01:04PM
There was an interesting piece in Lawfare about recent ransomware attacks, pointing out that security will not be fixed for the reasons Sarcany mentions. But the point to the article is that Bitcoin is enabling these corporate attacks because there is no other way to pay the ransom. The implication is that governments will have to go after crypto to stop large ransomware attacks.

Governments may have been willing to allow laundering and tax avoidance, but crippling infrastructure is a whole 'nuther thing.
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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: JoeM
Date: June 01, 2021 01:33PM
While we keep hearing that these are independent criminal enterprises you can probably bet there are governments learning everything they can from these attacks. At some point I expect they will attempt to take down our electric grid on a large scale. And I know a number of people that are now talking about pulling money from banks and looking for a nice mattress to stash it in.

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Re: meat me in St. Louis?! we go again, cyberattack on largest meat supplier in North America....
Posted by: DinerDave
Date: June 01, 2021 01:35PM
I would say that the current state of business computing/security is broken.

I suspect that the response of IT people will be to have us change our passwords more often still.

That ain’t cutting it.

agree smiley

Yes, what pdq said.


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