If you want the details regarding how heat is involved in reactions, let me know. I started to write it out and realized it was probably going to be a bit much.
Yes, please!
Only for you, RAMd®d.
The following discussion touches on various topics of chemistry (and some would rightly say physics); if you find your eyes glazing over at the mention of CHEMISTRY or PHYSICS, please skip it and return to your normally scheduled program.
First, a few terms. You probably know some of this or even perhaps, all of it, but in the interest of being complete (if not pedantic) I thought I would include it. I'm only scratching the surface, as it's quite complicated and folks have made their doctoral dissertations on some of these aspects.
When I speak of a reaction, I will tell it from the point of view of the chemicals involved, not me as a spectator. From the point of view of the system, not the environment.
Endothermic reactions pull energy from the environment, and thus will feel cold to us. Exothermic reactions, on the other hand, produce energy and thus feel warm or hot, depending on the amount of energy released. Most everything we normally deal with is probably in a resting state, meaning that nothing particularly is happening to it. When something is in an excited state, something is going on. Sometimes reactions are fast, and sometimes slow; stability is everything, as I will discuss below.
Chemical reactions involve the reactants (the stuff coming together making something new), and the products (the new thing). All chemicals are made from atoms, making molecules, and often larger items with other names, but let's just stick with atoms and molecules. Atoms are pure substances, meaning that the substance consists of only one type of atom; for instance, pure gold is nothing but gold. The gold in a wedding ring, however, isn't pure gold, but rather a mixture (an alloy in this case). For if you were to try wearing pure gold, it wouldn't be very durable as gold by itself is a soft metal and easily deformed. It's the nature of the substance.
A molecule consists of more than one atom; it can be the same type of atom, or it can be a mixture of them. Another example: an atom of nitrogen has an abbreviation of N. However, due to the electronic structure of the nitrogen atom, it cannot exist by itself, but must be bonded with something else. The gas nitrogen has two nitrogen atoms bonded together, and I will denote it as N2. Nitrogen gas (N2(g)) is freely floating in the atmosphere, as well as O2(g) (oxygen gas), CO2(g), H2O(g), etc. Note the (g)--it means that the substance it is annotated to is a gas. Other notations are (s) for solid and (aq) for aqueous or dissolved in water. The only atoms known to exist in a monoatomic form are those in the noble gas family (helium, argon, krypton, xenon, radon ... )
It takes energy to break bonds, and making bonds releases energy. When you get more energy out of a reaction than you put into it, the reactants were stable at the energy level they were at but the products they make take less energy to form the bonds, and thus energy is a product of the reaction and the reaction is considered an exothermic one. For an endothermic reaction, energy (heat) is one of the reactants required to cause the reaction to occur. To be clear, heat is a form of energy, and it is either a reactant or a product, and in some cases, both.
For rust, the reactions are:
Iron + oxygen gas --> rust and Iron + oxygen gas --> rust
2Fe(s) + O2(g) --> 2FeO(s) 4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) --> 2Fe2O3(s)
Rust exists as both molecules due to the oxidation state of iron: in the first case, the iron exists in the +2 oxidation state and in the second one it is in the +3 state*. Which form it will take depends on the the environment it finds itself in. Rust doesn't normally occur in very dry conditions, but rather in moist or wet ones. Thus rust isn't simply iron and oxygen, but a compound that contains water, a hydrate. For more information, please see here:
rust is a hydrate. However, since the amount of water involved in the reaction does not change--it shows up on both sides of the reaction in equal amounts--it isn't shown. Sometimes heat will be shown on one side or another of a reaction, but often times it isn't because it is always present. Remember, heat is just a form of energy. Sometimes it will be shown, particularly if one wants to make a point. You could put an up arrow in parenthesis on either side of the equation, or put a triangle underneath the arrow, both of which denote heat.
To get a reaction started, it takes a certain amount of energy, known as the activation energy. Sometimes that hill is rather small and the bottom is rather a long way down. In this case, it doesn't take much and the reactants will produce their product quite easily; the products, however, cannot easily go back the other direction as there is a considerable amount of energy that will have to be put into it to cause it to happen. The steeper the slope, the harder it is for the reverse reaction to occur. A normal battery is this kind: all it takes is to connect the two poles and energy flows out until it is exhausted. To try to recharge a normal (non rechargeable) battery involves hooking it up to a system to pump more energy back into it. It takes a LOT and the battery will probably puke or explode or cause a bit of a mess (not advised here) as it can also generate hydrogen gas. A rechargeable one, however, doesn't have such a steep hill and thus can be recharged, but every time you do it you will lose some capacity. Thermodynamics. Sometimes it sucks.
Sometimes the hill is rather small and the bottom is a short way and thus the reaction will go in either direction, depending on the energy present in the environment. These reactions are shown with double-headed arrows, with the length of the arrow being more in the direction it is most likely to go.
The more heat that is present in the environment, the less the activation energy barrier will be, and thus we say that reactions are sped up with heat. But this isn't the whole picture. Atoms move constantly due to the energy present either in themselves or their environment. Even solids. The more energy present, the more the atoms/molecules move around, and the more likely they are to come into contact with something else and thus be ABLE to react. 'Cause if they don't come together, they won't react. The more stable the reactants, the less likely they will react with one another or the more slowly it will occur despite the amount of energy applied.
Reactions are concentration dependent. All the necessary parts must be present. The reaction will only proceed until one or of the reactants is exhausted, and then will stop until the exhausted reactant is filled (partially or fully, makes no difference and then it will proceed until something else is exhausted. Rate constants are measured as a constant being equal to the forward rate of something happening to the reverse rate of it happening. If we look at rust, we see (for the first reaction shown):
k (rate constant) = forward rate / backwards rate
= k(forward) / k (backward)
= [Fe] [O2] / [FeO]
HOWEVER, the rate is not just the overall reaction given above, but all intermediate steps along the way. Some will cancel out, and some will still remain, so the equation you see immediately above is WRONG in that the mechanism is NOT shown and accounted for. This is a first-year rookie mistake some people make.
And the rate constant follows what is known as the Arrhenius equation:
k = A exp(Ea/RT)
where A is a constant known as the Arrhenius constant, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature (in Kelvin).
if you take the natural log (ln) of both sides, you get
ln(k) = ln(A) - Ea/RT
so it can be plotted rather simply in an x-y type plot for a given reaction to experimentally determine the value of Ea and A. The parameters are ln(k) versus 1/T, with the slope of the line giving you -Ea/R and the intercept giving you ln(A). Since R is a constant, you can then calculate for Ea. The upshot contains the following observations:
(a) The higher the activation energy, the more strongly it is influenced by temperature and thus will more strongly temperature will influence the rate constant.
(b) No temperature dependence, no activation energy.
(c) A negative temperature dependence implies that the reaction will slow down with increasing temperature, and it always indicates a complex reaction mechanism.
For a much more in-depth discussion on reactions and kinetics, please see
reaction rates and kinetics. Please note that it is LONG and quite involved.
For the effect of heat on reaction rates:
here It is in this source I found the following:
"The detailed temperature dependence of A is beyond the scope of this course, and will be covered in detail next year in the statistical mechanics course. A very approximate temperature-dependent model for A will be seen in Section 20, on simple collision theory. However, the true origin of the temperature dependence relates to the way in which temperature affects the distribution of occupied quantum states in the reacting molecules."
Now we are discussing stuff beyond my pay grade.
Caveat: It's late here and I should be asleep. Any mistakes or misstatements I have made are entirely my own.
* Now we are discussing electrochemistry, an entirely (huge) area intersecting chemistry and physics. The rest of the discussion was reactions and a bit of kinetics.